Analysis Of Amitav Ghosh's River Of Smoke

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In his novels Amitav Ghosh wants to reflect diverse shades of history predominantly through the eyes of distressed rather than the commanding and tormenting powers in the society. He imagines that history and accounts have fundamentally the same function. One needs to go through narrative to confront the surface of the story just as one has to travel through history to encounter pre-history. He accepts that he has always been enamoured by history.
Amitav Ghosh’s novel River of Smoke is associated to the genere of the historical novel. With the use of various narrative strategies, Amitav Ghosh in this novel has re-written history that covers the time of opium trade in Canton, in 1838. The story is about the conflict of …show more content…

It frames a string of inter-related stories from history presented by various narrators. The psychological impact of the opium war upon the mind of the people sometimes surpass the historical facts, which is presented chiefly through main character focalizer Bahram Modi, Neel, Zadig Bay, Robert Chinnery etc. Thus, Amitav Ghosh’s novel exposes the psychic sub-text that lies within and underneath the historical facts. This psychological presentation doesn’t come within the compass of history which is associated only with facts and figures. Through the characters of the novel the writer unravels the impacts of historical events in the lives of people. He presents the aggravated life that the people like Bahram, Ah Fatt, Deeti, Neel, Chinnery has to go through during the opium trade and war period in China. Through different narrative techniques the author offers an opportunity to readers to peep deep into psyche of the inhabitants, traders, officials and others in Canton and to know their past by reconstructing …show more content…

While first person character narrator portrays the internal psyche of the characters being one among them in the narrative or due to some closeness with other characters, the third person narrator on the other hand tells the story from outside by having a scenic view of the whole as omnipresent narrator. He is the one occupied in giving all details of the actions of others by using the expressions like ‘he said’, ‘they think’, ‘he felt’, ‘she observed’, ‘he notices’ etc. In River of Smoke by using third person narrative approach the author prefers ‘telling’ most of the time rather than ‘showing’. This gives more opportunity to the narrator to make remarks on both characters and events. He even enjoys the freedom of imposing his own view points on the reader. Throughout the narrative in River of Smoke the modes of narration ‘telling’ and ‘showing’ are used willingly .The perspective from which the story is told keeps on changing throughout in the narrative. There is no straight forward story in the traditional sense as in the stream of consciousness novel.
Thus, Amitav Ghosh has not limited the narrative to the technique of stream of consciousness and interior monologue only but has also combined it with three fold traditional technique direct narrating, descriptive passages and conversation.

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