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Aspects of gender inequality and gender roles
Gender inequality and gender roles
Shift in traditional gender roles
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1) What made the most lasting impression on you? Why was it so powerful? What specific information, knowledge did you gain from this activity? Describe how this experience broadened your perspective of the population served. How did the activity give you insight to experiences that may impact the health needs of your clients? How will you be able to integrate this learning into your nursing practice? The video “A walk to beautiful” made a lasting impression on me because of the powerful message conveyed describing the emotional, physical, and mental anguish and pain women experience because of lack of education, support, deep-rooted traditional beliefs, poor socio-economic situations, low self-esteem, and lack of accessible health care. …show more content…
The videos depicted the reality of life in poor developing countries where the basic necessities of life are unavailable and inaccessible resulting in high infant/maternal mortality rates, diseases, and disability. The experience also broadened my knowledge in terms of how to communicate and educate this population of women who are so ingrained in the existing traditional, harmful practices and beliefs that cause unsafe health outcomes for themselves. Cultural awareness and communication will be key components to prevent early marriage, childbirth, and obstetric fistulas. The activity also increased my awareness of the limited resources, information, and support available for the low income population to meet their daily needs and health necessities. As trained health care providers, we are an important source of information, aide, and support system for our vulnerable clients especially during hard times. Based on this course learning, I will continue to make an effort to provide accessible health information (e.g., treatment, monetary resources, medications, etc); basic self care needs (e.g., ADLs); and socio-psychological support to my patients in my nursing practice. 2) Identify three social determinants of health that contribute to the development of obstetric fistulas in women in developing countries; provide rationale for your
After reading the book which mentions the maternal and neonatal situation in Mali, one of the poorest countries in the world, is pitiable. (1) Child birth takes place under lantern light, in Mud bricks with profuse sweating without electricity, no running water, no emergency backup. With only the grace of God and the skill of a midwife that child birth takes place in remote villages in the country of Mali, West Africa, having the third highest total fertility
I was then introduced to a patient who was in isolation. Her legs were immovable and were crossed in a very uncomfortable position. I wish I could’ve done something so that her legs could be in a more comfortable position, but all I could do was observe and get her a cup of ice cold water to drink. During this clinical observation, I didn’t get to see much but overall, it was a good experience. It made me realize what it was like to be in a hospital setting and what it meant to be a nurse. Seeing how the patients were still able to smile through all the pain they went through, it made me want to become a nurse even more because I would also like to make my patients happy. If I could do one thing differently during this clinical observation, I wish I didn’t ask my senior nurse about what externships she took and instead, I wished I asked her more questions about the patients in order to gain more information about
In the beginning of my senior year I was eager to expand my understanding of how it would be to work in a hospital. An opportunity arose allowing me to volunteer in the hospital at the University of Chicago. I was able to volunteer at the children's playroom, which consisted of a weekly commitment. The daily tasks I had to perform where to enlighten the spirits of children and reduce the amount of anxiety that developed within them when they approached a hospital visit. I would play games, read books, or just company the patients at their bedside. I especially love to interact with the younger patients because their laughter and innocence warms my heart up.
We are here faced with the polar opposite extremes in birthing. Seemingly, if a woman has too little prenatal care and education regarding birthing (as in Africa) she may not have the access to a Cesarean when she truly needs it; and at the other end of the spectrum if a woman has enveloped herself in a system that relies too heavily on birthing technologies she may end up with an unnecessary Cesarean surgery. Other paradigms exist for birthing such as in Holland where every woman is provided with a midwife for her birth, and Brazil where the C-section rate tops 80 percent. Yet another microcosmic pocket of birth in the U.S. shows us that C-section rates can be achieved at below 2%.
Essay 1: How will you contribute to the mission of the Nurse Corps scholarship program in providing care to underserved communities?
Health care providers not knowing their surrounding community impacts the way they provide health care to a patient. I hope to use my background in community work with underrepresented populations and the qualities I gained to hopefully reduce and someday diminish the concern that health care isn’t keeping up with the demographics of the surrounding community. The third health care concern I will talk about is another near and dear to me which is the severely low quality health care women in developing countries receive.
...ecause it gave me an opportunity to hear the perspective of other health care professionals that are not in the same field as me. I also got to learn what role each health care professional could contribute to the Triple Aim goal. Also, this experience would make it easier for me to work with other professionals during my course of study and after I graduate because I have been a little exposure to what it is going to be like discussing and trying to figure out ways we can contribute to the Triple Aim goal together as a team.
The video promotes a realistic portrayal of women while undermining negative societal expectations put to those women. Furthermore, the message behind it, one calling people to accept themselves and to not feel the need to strive towards unreachable goals set by the media, can be applied to the lives of not only women but men as well. While the song was obviously meant for women, it is still holds the important message for people of any gender, age, or race to understand that being true to and learning to accept one’s self can only lead to positive
Tina Anselmi-Moulaye’s work as a nurse and nurse-midwife was inspiring to me, particularly in the context of the three days I spent on a Labor and Delivery unit at Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing, China. As a health volunteer, she recognized her passion for traveling and women’s health and had the courage to accept a position with the Peace Corps in Mali (Anselmi-Moulaye 18). She was motivated, eager to learn, and quickly jumped in to help the midwives scrub the babies after delivery. Those personal characteristics enabled her to grow and become more effective and efficient as a global nurse. In addition, she possessed many professional characteristics of an excellent global nurse. She continually sought higher education, earning
goal began as I watched my grandmother serve others. I accompanied her when she visited nursing
A nurse’s role in our society today is exceptionally significant. Nurses are somewhat idolized and looked to as our everyday “superman”. “The mission of nursing in society is to help individuals, families, and groups to determine and achieve physical, mental, and social potential, and to do so within the challenging context of the environment in which they live and work” (“The Role of a Nurse/Midwife”). Many Americans turn to nurses for delivery of primary health care services and health care education (Whelan). In our country, there is constantly someone in need of health care. There will always be a baby being born or a person dying, someone becoming ill or growing old. Some people due to their physical and/or mental state of health are completely dependent on a nurse and wouldn’t be able to get through the simple obstacles of every day, or achieve the necessary requirements of a simple day without their aid. Not only do nurses help, and assist you when you’re sick, but also act to promote good health to others. They end...
I feel as a nurse that I need more education to become more culturally competent. There are many routes that I can take to increase my knowledge and cultural awareness. If I had more worldly knowledge it would improve my awareness, strengthen my nursing skills, give me a more positive attitude. This, in turn, could change my behaviors and will improve my direct patient care in an acute setting. I remind myself each day to work as a non-judgmental nurse, free of biases and prejudices and to integrate research, knowledge, skill, flexibility, and creativity into my practice in order to deliver culturally appropriate and sensitive health care.
Access to health care in Ethiopia has left many people without proper health care and eventual death. Millions of people living in Ethiopia die because of the lack of access to the health care system; improving the access to the healthcare system in Ethiopia can prevent many of the deaths that occur, but doing so will pose a grueling and challenging task. According to Chaya (2012), poor health coverage is of particular concern in rural Ethiopia, where access to any type of modern health institution is limited at best (p. 1). If citizen of Ethiopia had more accessibility of the healthcare system more individuals could be taught how to practice safe health practices. In Ethiopia where HIV, and maternal and infant mortality rates are sky high, more education on the importance of using the healthcare system and makin...
The Millennium Development Goal Report 2013 states that the progress towards achieving the target of reducing maternal mortality by two thirds between 1990 and 2015 significantly falls short of the set goal and the indices are still poor in the developing countries especially sub-Saharan Africa (United Nations, 2013). The People’s Health Movement (PHM), through its WHO Watch clearly identifies the huge omission of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in the WHO’s revised strategy on traditional medicine (PHM WHO Watch, 2013). The magnitude of this omission appears to be puzzling owing to the fact that in just about three decades ago the WHO aimed to reduce death of women associated with child bearing through the training of TBAs and promoted their integration into the orthodox health care system. The WHO calls for a collaborative effort in achieving the goal of reducing maternal deaths. Yet, one can insinuate that the TBAs are no longer seen as a resource to be harnessed by public health professionals in addressing the issues associated with childbearing (Langwick, 2011). The ‘friend or foe’ mentality can clearly be observed in a statement made by one of Nigeria’s chief leaders in the fight towards reducing maternal mortality published in Nigeria’s foremost editorial daily newspaper magazine, the Punch. He said that ‘it was no longer acceptable for women to give birth in TBA centres, TBAs were no longer required in labour and delivery because of the availability of enough trained or skilled personnel, and he promised to jail any TBA involved in a maternal death’ (Punch, 2013). As such, it is important for us to critically analyse and evaluate the relevance of TBAs in promoting health from a contemporary global health perspective. I...
An important area for the development of a country is definitely the health sector, but in countries like Nepal where the Human Development Index(WHO, 2012) is only 0.463, a lot of people do not even receive any health provisions. The ethnic groups such as Dalit and Janajati in Nepal, are much affected by the unequal access and use of state- provided public health resources, facilities and services. In many cases, even among all these, it is the women and children (especially girls) who suffer the most as they are discriminated based on gender, caste and ethnicity. That being said, through this research I will be focusing on the health issues among the women in Nepal and how various factors such as the gender inequality, caste system, and traditional beliefs contribute to affect their health.