Analysis Of A Musical Instrument

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- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem ‘A Musical Instrument’ was published in 1860; a year prior to her death. The poem in its entirety tells the story of Greek God Pan and how he created his musical instrument ‘pan flute’ which is famously associated with him as well as music. But that wasn’t the only thing that Browning had in mind when she composed the poem. Her poem focuses on deeper realities of arts and human nature. This can be further explored through her word and story choice and what it symbolises, behaviour of life forms around the river and what it conveys. The poem’s hero or rather a villain (as he causes destruction) is Pan – Greek God of pastures, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and companion of nymphs. In Greek Mythology one of the famous tales involving Pan is his creation of pan flute. It is said that once Pan came across a wood-nymph of Arcadia named Syrinx and was smitten by her. Syrinx, on the other hand, tried to escape his urgency to safeguard her chastity. She asked help from her sisters who then turned her into a reed. Pan who was still infatuated with her cut some of the reeds from the river as he was unable to identify which one she was exactly. He then carved it into a …show more content…

When Pan causes destruction, the lilies died and the dragonfly fled away whereas when Pan carves his destruction into a sweet melody the lilies are revived and the dragonfly come back. The flowers and the insect were sad at the death of the reed but when they realised what was its outcome they instantly changed their moods and were in praise of its creator. Even the narrator’s tone shifts at this point in the poem (sweet, sweet, sweet, O

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