Analysis Of A Dream Deferred

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The circumstances in the poem still retain their merit in today’s day and age, at times we would like to turn the other way when asked unconfutable questions about “race” but that is what has gotten society as a whole into a huge mess. we do not acknowledge the fact that media today still portrays huge stereotypes and deems anything else not entertaining enough. A dream deferred is one of my favorite poems because it asks a powerful question and guides you through the dark conclusion drawn by Hughes that young African Americans leave their dreams behind because of the oppression that exist all around them.

At every turn Richard is beaeand and verbally abused when the whites belive he stepped his boundrais they cost him his job. At every turn the only thing he get is abuse and when he tells his folks they tell hi that he as a black man should have known better.

His treatment of Richard is inhumane. He is a bielivabl figure of the time he thinks that black popel only exist to serve and support the white poeplr.

He states that through nonviolence one can negotiate and alleviate the issues one must collect the facts determine the level of injustice then one must negotiate followed by self-purification lastly followed with direct action, if negotiations are not open then stage nonviolent protest to get the attention required for …show more content…

For example, when reading one can assume that Judith and Shakespeare have a similar talent and that their family is well of but only Shakespeare is allowed to purist an education because of the mere fact he was born a male while Judith is expected to sit at home do womanly duties and bare children even if she runs of no one will ever take her talent seriously because of what she is lacking in between her legs so lives many rejections drive this talented yet oppressed lady to commit

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