Analysis: Circle Of Influence

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Circle of Influence At Psalm 141:5, King David prayed that God would keep his heart from evil. He wanted God to reveal to him his faults. He desired that his friends reprove him. Verse five he said Let the righteous SMITE me. Smite means to  Deliver or deal a blow  Strike sharply or heavily  Kill or severely injury Why would King Dave pray that God deal with him so harshly? Proverbs 9:8 provides us some insight. He wanted to become wiser. He understood the value of being criticized by a wise person (Ecclesiastes 7:5; Galatians 6:1). King David wanted God to provide him godly people in his inner circle that would hold him accountable, despite the fact he was a king over a nation. Clearly David understood the value of having accountability We will meet off campus Monday, May 2. A private email will be sent out after this email with location information. Proverbs 27:17 – Friend Sharpens a Friend The love we poured out on our sisters reflects the words of our theme scripture – Proverbs 27:17. As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. For a moment, I want to go back to the knife analogy discussion. I propose this question to the group. How should we utilize Christian community accountability? Many great points were shared by everyone. It was at this point I felt in my spirit to refer to and share points from my study notes. The point of this part of the discussion was to show the benefits and the importance for a chief to continuously sharpen his or her knives and compare the method of a chief sharpening his or her knife to a healthy Christian relationship as it relates to accountability. Below are the points taken from my personal study notes. [Christian sharpen another Christian] • One becomes more morally centered • One makes better intellect decisions • One grows in maturity and draws even closer to Christ When a chief sharpens a knife with another knife, that knife’s edge • Sharpen each one of us in such a way that the dullness that exist on the surface of our lives are remove. • To sharpen us in a way that we become more efficient in our ministry and helping

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