Uncle Lucas's Battle: A Perspective from 'Bless Me, Ultima'

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Bless Me Ultima from Uncle Lucas’s Perspective I decided to write a scene from chapter deiz from Lucas’s perspective instead of Antonio’s. In this scene, Antonio’s Uncle Lucas has been cursed by the three daughters of Tenorio and is dying. Ultima has been called to his house to cure him, and has brought Antonio with her to help. At this point in the scene, Ultima has begun to treat Lucas with herbal concoctions. I felt a strange liquid being forced down my throat, I groaned in pain and felt like I was going to throw up. “What’s going on?”, I thought to myself. Although I felt like I was going to throw up and felt really weak, I was glad that I at least felt something, unlike what had been happening for the last few days. All of a sudden, I heard a woman’s voice say “Drink Lucas” and I for a moment I couldn’t figure out who was speaking, but then I realized it was Ultima. I tried to drink but just couldn't. I clamped my teeth shut but Ultima pried them open anyways. Suddenly …show more content…

Oh, so Antonio was there in the room with me and Ultima! If I could have answered I would have said “good” because I could breathe steadily now. I was like that for a couple more hours until I felt a burst of energy and sat straight up in bed. It was a weird sensation almost like I was back from the dead. I screamed as in torture and felt my eyes open wide and screamed again in pain. Why was this pain continuing so long and so strong? But at least Ultima was by my side making sure I would not fall of my bed. I felt my body spasm uncontrollably. Without even realizing it I said “Dios Mio!” and then threw up some sort of green bile and a huge ball of hair. I felt disgusting and I could see it on the floor wiggling. I clutched the edge of my bed and even though I felt very weak and I was sweating, I knew that I was alive and hoped that Ultima had managed to cure me. And I fell back

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