An Overview Analysis of Cloning

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Cloning is a DNA sequence, such as a gene, that is transferred from one organism to another and replicated by genetic engineering techniques. This means to reproduce or propagate asexually and some sexually. Cloning is made when you have several embryos and you try to duplicate them to produce more eggs which is called SCNT. SCNT (Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer) is used so that they can take a piece of DNA from an egg and transfer it to another egg after the nucleus has been eliminated by an ultra violet beam. This technique is really hard to accomplish but can be done by well experienced scientists. There are many reasons why scientist would like to clone, and two of the main reasons are finding a cure to certain types of diseases and helping the endangered species come back to life like they once were.

Different Types of Cloning

When we speak of cloning, we typically think of organism cloning, but there are actually three different types of cloning. Molecular, Organism, and Therapeutic cloning. The first one is Molecular cloning, this focuses on when a DNA from an organism is transferred to a self-replicating genetic element such as a bacterial plasmid. In other words, a small piece of the DNA strand is removed and united with a plasmid which reproduces itself to create multiple copies of the same DNA code. This type of cloning is also called gene cloning. The second one is Organism cloning, and this involves making an identical copy of an entire organism and a good example would be Dolly the sheep. This type of cloning is also called reproductive cloning. The last one is Therapeutic cloning. This involves the cloning of human embryos for the production of stem cells. The purpose of therapeutic cloning is to extract the stem ...

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... dolly the sheep was a success because they could see that Dolly’s face was clearly a whiteface poll Dorset and not a Scottish blackface. She was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Scotland and lived there from her birth in 1996 until her death in 2003 when she was six. She was born on July 5, 1996 but not announced to the world until February 22, 1997. Her stuffed remains were placed at Edinburgh's Royal Museum, part of the National Museums of Scotland. Ever since Dolly the sheep, there has been so many other mammals cloned like frogs, which are said to be the easiest to clone.

Works Cited

Animal Cloning by Joseph Panno

Cloning by Nancy Harris

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