An Hour Chair Symbolism

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In the Story Of an Hour, Louise Manner, a woman who has existing heart problems, is informed that her husband has died. With this information, she isolates herself in a room and Author Kate Chopins utilizes symbolism to give a deeper meaning to the armchair, the open window, and louise’s heart trouble.
Chopins describes the armchair in the story, in which Mrs. Mallard sits after isolating herself in her room when hearing of her husband's' death, as "comfortable" and "roomy." The fact that the chair is located facing the open window symbolizes being open to change. Also, the fact that it is open shows that it is somewhat warm outside, suggesting life rather than the cold of winter symbolizing death. Using words such as “comfortable,"" roomy," and "sank" symbolize a feeling of being embraced by the chair, a feeling of love and warmth. …show more content…

After hearing about the death of her husband she locks herself in a room and stares at this window. Through the window she sees a blue sky, fluffy clouds, and treetops; these could be seen as a symbolism of hope to come. In this moment the open window is providing Louise with life. Through the window she sees a clear, bright view into her distant future. “There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself” (P12). It seems as though Louise was trapped throughout this marriage. While looking out the window she realizes all the opportunities that awaits her now that her husband is dead and she does not have to abide to the demands on another person. ” There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose”

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