An Explication

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An Explication of “Falling Stars” by Jennifer Recchio The poem “Falling Stars” by Jennifer Recchio appeared within the 2012 Zephyrus, published by Western Kentucky University’s English department. This poem shows distinct strengths and weaknesses throughout, but overall I found this poem to be rather well done. The meaning of this poem comes through effectively, aided by the use of strong imagery, but hindered slightly by word choice that disrupts the flow a few times within, and a lack of punctuation in certain areas that can leave portions confusing. The quote at the beginning of this poem is one that every person, in this nation especially, should hear at some point in life. This popular quote is often used by parents in order to encourage children to work towards their dreams, and to encourage the belief that anything is possible if determination is involved. Broken down, the meaning of “Shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll land among the stars!” is somewhat complex. It symbolizes that when a person works towards a goal, it may not always be achieved, but progress was mad...

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