An Example Of A Humorous Wedding Letter To A Father

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I am the father of Lizette Jenny Zaya who is married to Alfredo Morales Ramirez. I am writing this letter today in support of my son-in-law’s hardship waiver. I want to demonstrate how important and involved Alfredo in the overall wellbeing of our family. If Alfredo is refused permission to stay in the United States, my daughter and granddaughters will be forced to endure extreme emotional hardships and how their household will face financial hardships. I hope this letter helps you understand how essential Alfredo is to our entire family.

As in any marriage, my daughter Lizette depends on Alfredo. Both of them work hard at my restaurant to pay off all their bills and provide stability for their children. If they are separated, Lizette will …show more content…

She will have to get another job to keep up with all the payments and to support her 3 children. As a father and knowing my daughter personally, I don’t think she’ll be able to manage the demands of a single mother with 3 children. She’s not as young as she used to be and therefore any additional job will take a toll on her mental health and wellbeing. Without Alfredo, she will lose her house, the car, and won’t be able to pay all her bills in a timely manner. I’m not sure if Alfredo would even be able to send her any money. I am from Mexico, and I know firsthand how difficult it will be for Alfredo to obtain a job. He is not completely fluent in Spanish and this will be a deterring factor for many Mexican employers. As of now, I am his boss. I own a restaurant in Lafayette, Indiana. I can attest to the fact that Alfredo is absolute essential component to the success of this business. My son-in-law, Alfredo, is dedicated to our family-owned business and has pledged his services to help grow the small business. His absence will ultimately hurt the potential financial …show more content…

I could not have handpicked someone more qualified to be my daughter’s husband than Alfredo. My granddaughters idolize their father and Alfredo works to make sure they are taken care of. As his employer, I can vouch to the fact that he a model employee. As diligent as Alfredo is, he is even more loving when it comes to his relationship with his children. His children have the best chance of success and attending college if they keep living in the United States. Being older, my wife and I barely earn enough money to support ourselves. Therefore, it would be unrealistic to ask us to help take in and support my grandchildren the way Alfredo can. I do not want Alfredo or any of my family to move back to Mexico. All my family and even distant relatives always remind how lucky I am to live in the United States. In Mexico, they fear for their safety in an unstable environment. I do want that extreme stress in my daughter’s life because it will mentally drain her. My daughter Lizette is deeply in love with Alfredo, and his absence will

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