An Essay On Oprah Winfrey

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As African American females, our group chose Oprah Winfrey, as she is one of the most inspirational and influential African American woman, known throughout the world. Although people know her name and that she is one of the wealthiest women in America, very few know her story. In order to know Ms. Winfrey, one must conduct research on her very interesting biography. Success didn’t come to Oprah by chance. She had to work hard and push past many obstacles, and she had to do it all by herself. Oprah has many inspirational sayings, such as: “Victory, Belief, Wisdom, Life, Integrity, Choice and Celebration,”(Brain Quotes). “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength,” (Brain Quotes) as well as “Right now you are one choice away from a new beginning- one that leads you toward becoming the fullest human being you can be,” which we found to be the most meaningful and impactful to us as a group.
Although the quote is small, it has so much meaning. We also feel like this represents her impact as she has helped so many people in the world, through her words and more important her actions. Oprah Winfrey is not only an inspiration to women of color; she is an inspiration to women all over the world. Another quote that is also inspirational and impactful is “Where there is no struggle there is no strength”. This quote has to be one of our favorite quotes. This to say because it applies to reality. It’s true that if you don’t struggle with anything you won’t get better at it. We believe everyone should apply this quote to their everyday life. This also gives an example of her life growing up. All as a child Oprah struggled, but now she is doing broader things that illuminate the struggle. She even travels the world to let people kno...

... middle of paper ... a conqueror and showing resilience. These are the main two qualities that our group have been able to connect to on a personal level. We admire these qualities because we have all faced hardships in life and gone through things such as living in poverty and trying to make ends meet with a single parent. Some of the things that Oprah has done today in society such as helping to fund the aids awareness campaign has affected all of our lives in one way or another. It has had an effect on us because we live in a society were African American men and women die every day from not being able to pay for the proper treatment and cure for their life.
In summation, Oprah will leave a memorable legacy and has shared her leadership qualities to many people. Along with her many qualities and legacy she will leave behind the empowerment that she has given to women.

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