An Empty Stage in the Film, Dogville, by Lars von Trier

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In the film Dogville written and directed by Lars von Trier, there is no outdoor or indoor movie set in the traditional sense that they film on. Instead the director chose to use a large empty stage, set up like a large blueprint of the town of Dogville with each house individually named and outlined. The entirety of the movie is shot on this stage and it is never left once, much like a theatrical play but with no audience. There is also no musical score, and the only sound added to the film are the sound effects made for the actors as that go around town. Because of the lack of full buildings or any scenery much of the town and its people are described by a narrator. All of these choices make the film seem more like a work of literature. In the movie Dogville through the use of stage configuration and narration, the story seems more like a book than a film.
The story of the town of Dogville is told within the span of nine chapters and a prolog. Right from the beginning as the narrator describes the town and its citizens with great detail almost as if reading from a book. Var...

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