Agriculture is a tough field to enter. Farming is no ordinary profession, nor is it cheap. With farming, comes many risks - some even life threatening. As with any other profession, equipment is needed to perform the job effectively. In this field, the equipment is very costly. The prices of the equipment, chemicals, and seed are increasing whereas the prices of the crop are steady decreasing. How are farmers supposed to make a substantial income when the prices are overwhelming? Can the government not allow a set income for farmers each year, in addition to their profit?
Twenty years ago when prices equaled each other. A farmer would purchase seed that was harvested from the year before, formerly known as “brown bag seed.” This seed usually ran for five dollars a bag.
There are now ways of technology that help make a more productive crop. This makes the prices increase. For instance, there are now “round-up ready” seed. This seed has extra technology put into it. This reduces the price of some chemicals, but not much.
After the seed is purchased, is only the beginning of the process to buy the other materials. Next comes the machinery. Today an average cotton picker sells for three hundred thousand dollars. The average farmer will yield a crop that will make him about thirty-five thousand dollars a year, not including the extra intense labor that he may use on the equipment itself.
Chemicals can be quite costly as well, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars. With these chemicals, you need the proper equipment to distribute the chemicals effectively. Many dangers are faced when releasing the chemicals, for example, the hours used up on the equipment will make your machinery more susceptible to breakdowns. The chemical could also damage your crop if not used correctly. This damage to the crops causes the farmers’ average yearly income to decrease intensely.
As you can see, farming is not a job one can do alone. Great help is needed to make the maximum yield possible. The money to pay for these helpers comes from the farmer’s own personal checkbook. The hired hands have a promised amount of money per hour in which they will receive, whereas the farmers do not.
Farmers have no specific amount of money that they are going to receive each year. This unreliability upon income causes financial problems when a family is involved.
Even with these faults, this society appreciates the hard work of farming compared to the easy way of living today. One point of Berry’s argument is that he believes that the land is falling more and more into the hands of speculators and professional people from the cities, who, in spite of all the scientific agricultural miracles, still have more money than farmers. Big technology and large economies have caused more abandonment of land in the country than ever before. Many of the great farmers are clearly becoming different because they lack manpower and money to maintain properly. The number of part-time farmers and ex-farmers increases every year due to the problems with money and resources.
Farmer’s discontent during the period 1870 – 1900 had an impact on their attitudes and actions towards politics. During this period manufacturing had a growth spurt and agricultural started to decline. This made it harder for the farmers to make a decent living. For example in document G it shows how much manufacturing increased between the 50 years. America could no longer dream to be a nation of small freehold farms. Manufacturers and people living in big cities depended on farmers to supply everything. Many people didn’t realize how much of an affect farmers had on their lives. If somebody was to take farms away, everything would have completely crashed.
economy, polity, etc.) around Dalton could have also played a role to his motive. Dalton’s occupation, an Uber driver, is not a high paying job, and it can be inferred that he does not have a high paying job nor a degree due to lack of education or minimal schooling. It is possible that Dalton did not get a high education and this could lead to frustration in his job or life in general, giving him a reason to be emotionally stressed and not think about his actions resulting in the murders. Polity can play a major role in this case as well, because Michigan’s gun laws are not as strict like other states and this gives easy access for anyone to get a gun. Dalton could have gotten carried away having the freedom to bare arms, or could have been trying to get a message across with gun control that resulted in death and
...struggling to earn any income at all and sometimes do not even get the opportunity to eat. Another issue that Raj Patel did not touch on is the lack of care consumers have for the farmers. It seems that consumers care about farmers about as much as the corporations do, which, in my opinion, is not a lot. When consumers only care about low prices and large corporations only care about making a profit, the farmers are left out to dry. Many consumers believe “food should be available at a bargain price, a belief that relies on labor exploitation and environmental exhaustion at multiple points along the commodity chain.” (Wright, 95) Corporations as well as consumers generally tend to be selfish and I think Raj Patel is afraid to mention this. If only these people cared a little bit more about each other I believe the hourglass of the food system will begin to even out.
According to Price & Kunz, (2003) family structure is a major factor in explaining delinquency. The research aimed at finding a link between cohabiting and other family types with delinquency (Price & Kunz, 2003). They made an important finding that adolescents from cohabiting families are at greater odds of engaging in non-violent delinquency compared to those from biological-parent families. The findings contradict the findings of other studies that show that that youth from broken families are likely to engage themselves in delinquent activities. For example, in one longitudinal study by Juby and Farrington, (2003) they found out that children especially boys who were from non-intact families portrayed negative behaviors compared to those that were from intact families (Juby & Farrington, 2001). Moreover, Prince & Kunz, (2003) performed a meta-analysis involving divorce and juvenile delinquency. They also made a finding that children from divorced homes have a high rate of delinquency compared to those from intact homes.
In modern days, there is a type of crime that is growing very fast. It has become a very popular crime because it’s easily done, and it doesn’t leave a big trace, whether the crime is successful or not. The crime in question is Identity theft. Identity theft is a crime that involves a person or group pretending to be someone else for their own personal wants. The criminals use personal financial information such as social security number, bank and card information, your address and other personal information. According to the Insurance Information Institute, 15.4 million U.S. consumers have been victim to this crime, amounting to a loss of $16 billion, making it the most growing crime
Identity theft is an increasing epidemic. Some of the ways a person can commit identity
I’ve decided to write my research paper on the issue of identity theft. Identity theft has occurred all throughout history in various ways and forms. Today, it is one of the fastest growing crimes occurring all over the world. Data suggests that identity theft accounts for roughly $50 billion stolen each year from citizens and businesses in the U.S. I believe that more attention should be targeted towards identity theft because of the detrimental effects it can have on a single victim and on our nation’s economy. Topics I will discuss include statistics about the crime, laws that protect the victims of the crimes, and what we are doing to prevent future attacks from happening.
Today Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. The Federal Trade Commission, identity theft victim complaint database currently contains more than three hundred thousand complaints. American consumers reported losing over one billion dollars to fraud overall in 2014, according to the Federal Trader Commissions annual report on consumer complaints released earlier this year, with the average cost ranging between five hundred dollars to two thousand dollars per victim (Federal Trade Commission, 2014). According to the 2011 Identity Fraud Survey Report, approximately eight million adults in the United States were victims of identity theft with the total cost of thirty seven billion dollars (Britz, 2013). The Federal Trade commission strongly urges people to take action in protecting themselves from Identity Theft because everyone is at risk of this rapidly growing crime no matter your age, race, gender or current financial situation. Identity Theft when a illegitimate person gains access to your personal information, such as your Social Security number, credit card account information, your mother's maiden name, your driver's license number, and other important information to impersonate someone. When the criminal has gained the information they need, they have the ability opens credit accounts, cellphone accounts, and other types of credit based accounts in your name. In addition once a person’s information is stolen the criminal then has the ability to access current accounts that is possessed, leading to even further damage to personal finance and credit.
Identity theft refers to unlawful activities which specifically compromise another person’s identity. According to the US Department of Justice (DOJ), identity theft is an activity “in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.” Such personal data can include names, Social Security numbers, birthdates, bank accounts, credit card numbers, or medical records. Identity theft can also be part of or enable other types of crimes such as bank, credit card, document, employment, or immigration fraud; robbery; and burglary, for example (Finklea, 2010, p. 2). Identity theft exists on a continuum with simple unauthorized credit card charges on one end all the way to having one’s identity completely assumed by another.
One of the most common types of cybercrime is identity theft. Identity theft occurs when someone steals another individual’s personal information, with the intent to illegally use the date for their personal benefit (Dimov, 2014). Sadly, it is not hard for an individual to steal another person’s identity. All one needs is an individual’s name, date of birth, and Social Security Number (Dimov, 2014). These three pieces of personal detail are often deemed the “Holy Trinity.” Perpetrators often use this type of personal information to commit financial fraud, such as applying for credit cards in the victim’s name (Baltzan, 2013, p. 294).
This shows that identity theft is a growing problem that needs to be addressed (VanderPal). The United States Department of Justice, a branch of the United States government, defines identity theft as “terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.”, a website edited by Rob Douglas, an identity theft expert, states, “…every individual or business is vulnerable to attack when it comes to personal or corporate information, products and services.” They also state, “As the methods used to perform identity theft expand, so do the types of accounts and services being stolen by identity thieves” (“Identity Theft Statistics”). As shown above, millions of people are being affected by identity theft in the United States, and it is only
III. Thesis Statement: Identity Theft is rapidly becoming a national issue because anyone of us could be a victim of identity theft. How we protect our self, keep our information private, identify any signs of identity theft, and report and repair our credit is up to each one of us. We have to be vigilant about our protecting ourselves from criminals.
Identity theft is whereby an individual obtains some piece of an unsuspecting victim’s sensitive information and uses it without their knowledge to commit fraud or theft. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), “people whose identities have been stolen can spend months or years and their hard earned money trying to clean up the mess the thieves have made of their good name and credit record. Some victims have lost job opportunities, been refused loans for education, housing, cars or even arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.”
Fraud was the main problem that arose when identity theft happened to an individual. The common identity theft frauds were credit card frauds, utility frauds, and frauds that usually involved banks. According to the article Identity Theft (2014), it mentioned that “Credit card fraud is one of the most common means of identity theft, accounting for about two-thirds of U.S. cases” (Para. 5). Credit card frauds usually occurred at online stores websites requesting for credit card information or devices utilized by retail store employers acquired information from the magnetic strip on the credit card. Utility frauds transpired through the access of an unsecured or unlocked mailboxes. Many utility statements had account numbers and provided online access to thefts to order unwanted products or services. Individuals had to be careful where and when to use credit cards and what time to present their personal information.