An Analysis of the Internet

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An Analysis of the Internet

The internet can be defined as a “network of networks”. A single

network consists of two or more computers that are connected to share

information. The internet connects thousands of these networks so all

of the information can be exchanged worldwide. Connections are

typically made through a modem, a device that allows computers to

exchange and transmit information through telephone lines.

A modem takes digital information and passes it through a series of

steps to convert it to analogue signals or sound waves that can be

passed over a telephone line. The process is reversed when the modem

converts information coming in from the phone line. Modems transfer

the information at a rate of bits per second (bps). A modem with

high-speed capabilities will assure a faster connection on the


Once the computer is connected to the internet, it is called a local

site, and the computers communicating with the local site are called

the remote sites. Many remote sites are hosted by organizations called

domains. Domains are designations that indicate the type of web site.

For example:

* .gov – government

* .edu – educational

* .com – commercial providers.

* .org – non-profit organizations.

* – company in the United Kingdom.

Internet Service Provider

Access to the internet is becoming easier to handle and cheaper to

buy. An internet service provider (ISP) provides connectivity to the

internet and offers services such as email, web hosting and filtering.

An ISP effectively acts as the interface between computers, allowing

data to flow between them regardless o...

... middle of paper ...

...r internet

firms to focus on removing illegal based material of the internet.

* Offensive material is reported through the IWF hotline. It is then

assessed and , if action is to be taken, the IWF notifies the

service provider and the police.

The IWF is only able to deal with material that falls into the

following three categories:

* Child Pornography located anywhere in the world

* Adult material that would breach the Obscene Publications Act, but

only if the offending site or service is hosted or registered in

the UK.

* Criminally racist material - but only if it is physically hosted

in the UK




* Internet Facts. Martin Noble. Starfire. ISBN 1-903817-95-1

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