An Analysis Of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

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Topic 1- Does Malcolm’s description of this ‘dead butcher’ and ‘fiend like queen’ adequately describe Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ displays the varying drives of human nature. Together, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth make choices that ultimately define them as evil. Macbeth could be judged as an evil killer, but in reality he was manipulated by others who turned him against his better judgment. Lady Macbeth’s heartless ambitions blind her and stop her from foreseeing the consequences. Despite Macbeth being manipulated it is he who becomes the murderer protecting his position. Macbeth is greatly manipulated by other characters which leads him to take the path of murder. The witches plant the seed of desire for Macbeth when they tell him that he ‘shalt be king.’ Macbeth ponders about being king and begins to like the idea of it, but his daydream is stopped dead in …show more content…

When Macbeth and Banquo came across the witches they not only prophesised that Macbeth would be king, but also that Banquo’s descendants ‘shalt be kings,’ meaning that Macbeth’s children will not hold the throne. With this knowledge, Macbeth arranges the murder of his loyal friend Banquo and son. Macbeth was not manipulated in any way to enact this murder, he was so driven by pride to secure his line that he turned to slaughter his friend. Macbeth, after hearing the witch’s prophecy ‘beware [of] Macduff’ and later that Macduff has joined Malcom, sends his murderers after Macduff and his family. Through this action it tells us that Macbeth becoming so consumed with keeping his power that he has now progressed to killing children. This can also lead us to believe that Macbeth’s mental state has been affected as he has lost some of his morals. The witches and Lady Macbeth might have shaped his evil path for him, but in the end it was Macbeth’s decision to embark on that path of

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