An Analysis Of Harrison Bergeron's The Caged Bird

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When someone is without freedom they are left with a feeling of hopelessness, dread, anger and a plethora of other negative emotions. In the poem The Caged Bird everything is taken away from the bird. The bird was hopeless, gave up, only wished that things could have different or that it could have changed. The Censors explore the feeling of being completely powerless, paranoia and manipulation. Juan started out trying to get back a letter and destroy the censors, but, instead Juan was executed. Finally Harrison Bergeron was about complete government control, misery and helplessness. Harrison may have fought for freedom and even reached freedom, but, everyone quickly forgot about Harrison. People have always wanted freedom, but, sometimes that …show more content…

Maya Angelou wrote that, “The caged bird sings/ with a fearful trill/ of things unknown/ but longed for still”. The caged bird has always been captured, the caged bird has seen the free bird soar and the caged bird has always wanted a taste of freedom. The author wrote, “But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams/ his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream”. Although, as the years went by, the birds hope had finally died, finally realizing that it is just a fantasy and nothing more. The melancholy bird finally gave up on the fruitless idea of having a fulfilling life, of having a free life and a life of being oblivious to the hardships of others, only worrying about those people that are close to …show more content…

Everyone was forced to wear handicaps so there was more equality within the people. In theory, this is great, but, when there are loud, ringing noises every 20 seconds, people are forced to carry weights, hide behind masks and purposefully be bad, what is the point? The author wrote, “He tried to think a little about the ballerinas. They weren’t really very good—no better than anybody else would have been, anyway. They were burdened with sash-weights and bags of birdshot, and their faces were masked”. Every citizen is having their very being stripped away, there is no individuality, a person will be weighed down as if their strength is greater than another, and finally anyone can do anything as long as they are mediocre at it. I believe that Harrison had the worse of this, Harrison was covered in weights and gadgets galore instead of having a small earpiece, Harrison wore a “tremendous pair of earphones”, glasses to give him “whanging headaches”, garbage draped over him that was over 300 pounds and lastly Harrison was forced to change his appearance with “a red rubber ball for a nose”. Even after everything the H-G men created, Harrison was under handicapped and was striving for freedom. Harrison broke out of jail, freed himself and others of their restraints. For a few moments people were free and fully enjoying it but, those that were freed were killed or forced back into their handicaps.

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