An Analysis Of Blueblack Cold

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When I read the first line the “too” seems to say that the speakers father got up early every day including Sunday. I think that most people sleep in on Sunday because it was a day of rest and only had to get up in time to go to church. The word “blueblack cold” makes me think that it was early morning before sunrise and possibly a cold and windy morning. I think that the speakers father is a hard working man who doesn't get much sleep. Then in lines 3-5 I found out that he is a hardworking man who isn't a bank teller or something cushy. He does intense physical labor and it is visible on his hands. He’s a tough guy and he makes the “banked fires blaze.” I think that he lights the fires in the fireplaces to warm up the house so that no one else in his family will have to get out of bed in the blueblack cold. The speaker ends the stanza by saying that no one ever told his father “thanks” for all that he did. The father is getting up early to warm the house for his family and no one ever said thank you. I am starting to feel like the speaker and the rest of his family are a bit ungra...

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