An Analysis Of A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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The strange creature did not deserve the disrespect of the townsfolk, but acceptance of this being was not to be. In the short story, “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the appearance of a winged man causes a great upheaval in the town villagers, because of his looks and foreign speech. Since he did not conform to their concept, of what is right and good in their world, the villager’s behavior was shameful. One can only surmise the mistreatment of such a creature and wonder why he is deserving of such abuse from everyone in the village. Respect for sameness and disrespect for variance is no way to live, in a world with so much diversity. Therefore, when one comes across something foreign and unfamiliar, one should take steps to find common ground and learn one from another. Often times, society is blinded by fear, jealousy and hatred over something they do not understand and will act accordingly to that emotion. Rational thought is no longer possible and ‘fear can be collective and…the consequences may be disastrous.” (Sharma) Because he was not heavenly looking by society’s standards, he was treated like an animal by …show more content…

It is when society is able to understand those differences that the fear fades away and mutual respect begins. By understanding one’s fear, “we would realize that the fear is of our own making; what is made can always be unmade.” (Sharma) Understanding begins with one being and that can expand to include a whole nation and then a world. A world without fear, a world with respect to one another, in spite of differences is what Marquez was trying to show his audience. The villagers didn’t fear a strange tarantula like creature that spoke their own tongue but were in fear of a humanoid with wings who couldn’t speak with them. Strange or not, society must find a common ground and live in

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