Amy Carmichael Essay

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One of the best-known and respected missionaries of the first half of the 20th century was Amy Carmichael. One who knew her well gives this testimony: "Miss Carmichael was a blessing to all who came into intimate and understanding contact with her radiant life. She was the most Christ-like character I ever met, and her life was the most fragrant, the most joyfully sacrificial that I have ever known." Her selfless work as a missionary reached thousands and inspired others to pursue a career in missionary work. She served in India for 55 years without furlough and wrote many books about the missionary work there. Amy Carmichael was born in the small village of Millisle, Ireland in 1867 to David Carmichael, a miller, and his …show more content…

But there she met with disappointments. The Japanese language seemed impossible to her, and the missionary community was not the picture of harmony she had envisioned. After 15 months as a missionary, Amy became convinced that Japan was not where God wanted her, so without notifying the Keswick Convention, she sailed for Ceylon, a British colony. She was there only a few months when she was urgently called back to England to care for her mother, who was ill. After about one year in England, she returned to the field, this time to India. She arrived in Bangalore in November at the age of 25. She saw in the community where she was that the church was very active but there were no changed lives. Amy detested the meetings with the other missionary ladies-drinking tea and gossiping, again showing very little concern for the eternal souls of those about them. Amy did not fit into the stiff, staid missionary community of Bangalore and subsequently went to the very south end of India to live with another missionary family. For several years Amy, along with several Christian Indian ladies, began an itinerant ministry through the villages in the south tip of India. The members of the band had no salary but looked to God to supply needs. The attitude of their ministry was "How much can I do without that I may have more to

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