Amputation Gone Wrong: A Cruel Mistake In Willie King's Surgery

782 Words2 Pages

Daniel Ludwick

Amputation Gone Wrong
In 1995, Willie King, a fifty-one year old heavy-equipment operator and, now, victim of a cruel mistake, was admitted to a hospital in Florida on February 20 to have a surgery. The hospital that he went to was the University Community Hospital. Little did he know, he would become a millionaire because of it. King’s leg was so badly diseased that he had to have it amputated. The disease was due to his diabetic illness. Amputation, in general, is scary to think about. The surgeon performing this surgery made a huge mistake.
When King came to this hospital, he had no clue what was in store for him. He went into the operating room, explaining which leg was diseased. King was to have his right leg amputated just below the knee. The surgeon seemed to understand, but what happened next proved that he did not. When King woke up from his surgery, the wrong leg was amputated. His left leg was mistakenly taken off. The surgeon thought that he was amputating the correct leg at first, because the person who wrote down which foot it was, wrote down the wrong one. The nurse prepared the wrong foot for surgery. This proved that medical error was bound to occur. Both of King’s feet looked damaged, due to his diabetic issue. So, it would make sense that the surgeon make a mistake at first. However, it is his job …show more content…

It was amputated at a different hospital. He learned how to walk using artificial legs. The surgeon’s mistake truly affected this man. King was inflicted with so much emotional and physical pain due to this horrific accident.
King has made an impact on all of society to this day. He has shed light on the topic of patient's’ rights. The procedures involved to perform any surgery had to be changed due to this accident, so that it did not happen again on future patients. His name is known by many people because he has changed the way that many surgeons perform and carry out their

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