America's Gift To My Generation

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“ Everything has changed and yet, I am more me than I’ve ever been.” - Iain Thomas. This means that since things have changed we can be who we want to be now, not what others want us to be. It also means that because of the people who fought for our freedom, it made and effect on the generation it made us have the chance to be free to be who we want to be. This matters because before we were being treated like we were nothing, like we did not matter. America gave us the chance to have freedom of speech to voice our opinion and to live free. America’s gift to my generation is freedom and equal rights. All of the people in the United States or all over the world are given the chance to be free and to speak their mind when they think something is wrong or if they feel something is right. The people at Georgia Tech where protesting against a student who got shot by a police officer . The student had gotten shot because the police officer thought the student was going to attack him with the knife he had and so the officer got scared and shot him. People are protesting against this because they felt like he police officer was overreacting. The people in my generation as …show more content…

In a generation that is globalized, it is very important to interact with various cultures and people who are different from us and that each individual person lives their life the way they want it at his or her own judgement, and to keep and use the product of his or her effort , to pursue their values as to one's choosing. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution , created a country in which our individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuits of happiness are protected and cherished. We show that we have independence by voting, protesting, creating, and exploring things we think will be effective for the years to come. In the great melting pot , also called the U.S.,anything and all things are

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