Do you want to know why lying can be acceptable? It can be acceptable because of many reasons. Lying is sometimes acceptable when making others think positive about themselves, protecting people, or causing to harm others. Lying can be acceptable when trying to protect a loved one or someone, When complimenting someone that’s not even pretty or cute. Saying the girl is pretty but the truth is that she's the opposite. In the article “Lies, Lies, Lies” the second paragraph it says,” Most little white lies belong here, well-intentioned deceptions designed to grease the gears of society.” saying a girl’s outfit is pretty but the truth is that it looks like trash. In the article “Lies,Lies,Lies” on paragraph 3 it says,” On rare occasions, lying …show more content…
Someone getting bullied and the one standing up for them says something back to shush the one’s bullying others. In the article “ Americans Conflicted About Lying” paragraph 10 it says,” An obvious example is when you’re lying to protect someone from serious harm.” Standing up to someone getting bullied and lying to get the one’s bullying in their heads, so they could stop the bullying. Lying about you age. In article “ Americans Conflicted About Lying” paragraph 14 it says,” In the poll of 1,000 adults taken June 23-27, four in 10 people said it was OK sometimes to exaggerate a story to make it more interesting, and about thris said it was OK to lie about your …show more content…
For example, if you want to eat fast food but your parents don’t let you, you can tell them you're going to your friends house, but really you are going to eat fast food. That is not that bad of a lie. But lying to hurt someone's feelings is worst. We should also speak most likely the truth because you are not lying, and the people can change up. It matters because you don’t want someone to get hurt and harm themselves. If you hurt someone’s feelings badly, there's a chance that they will choose to go away or keep living there life. So, lie less and speak the truth more. I want to leave you guys thinking about that to lies less and to speak the truth more. Lie less because speaking the truth is the better option to make. Also, think about the person that you are lying to because if you told them a secret, they will choose to do the things you did to them. Lying to protect a loved one is very acceptable because you are saving someone’s life if they are in danger of doing something. Those are reasons when to lie ( in certain situations) and when not to lie ( in certain situations). Lying is sometimes acceptable when making others think positive about themselves, protecting people, and/or causing to harm
Richard Gunderman asks the question, "Isn 't there something inherently wrong with lying, and “in his article” Is Lying Bad for Us?" Similarly, Stephanie Ericsson states, "Sure I lie, but it doesn 't hurt anything. Or does it?" in her essay, "The Ways We Lie.” Both Gunderman and Ericsson hold strong opinions in regards to lying and they appeal to their audience by incorporating personal experiences as well as references to answer the questions that so many long to confirm.
Lying is bad but the fear that can come from it is worse. Fear can rule a person which drives them to extreme and irrational acts that can shape society in a negative way. We as people are so accustomed to how we should act that during times of fear and crisis our vision is blurred and sometimes our decision making abilities are impaired. We often look past at how much fear can affect us and our society. Starting from Salem 1692 and going to the McCarthy era fear ruled the people and even now in present time America we are constantly living in fear.
In “The Truth about Lying” Judith Viorst explains the four different kinds of lying. She categorizes lies as social lies, peace-keeping lies, protective lies, and trust-keeping lies. Social lies are lies that are “acceptable and necessary”, they are the little white lies most people use all the time. Peace keeping lies are told when the liar is trying to protect themselves from getting in trouble or causing any conflict. The protective lies are far more serious, are often told because of fear that the truth would be “too damaging” for the person being lied to. Lastly, there are the trust keeping lies, which are lies in which the liar is lying for a friend in order to keep a promise. Viorst finds that most of these lies, while some are more acceptable than others, are necessary and she can understand them.
With different views on when it is OK to lie, the people continue to debate. But personally, I respect Kant’s views on the idea that lying is bad. Lying weakens the purpose to serve justice, destroys the liars’s dignity, and messes up the records. But I think that rare situations justify lies. I believe lies to save someone's life or just to protect someone from a big danger is the only type of lie that is justified. Those situations are the only times I think it is OK to lie. It might seem that lying to get yourself out of trouble is a situation that makes the lie justified. But I think that is a selfish reason for your own good and that people are thinking less about the society and more about their own good. Lying to get out of trouble is one of those many lies that are not justified.
Stephanie Ericsson’s The Ways We Lie, analyzes and reflects on how lying has simply become the norm in our society. We all lie, there is not one person in the world that does not lie. Most people lie because they are afraid of telling the truth, however what they do not know is telling a lie can lead them in the wrong direction because many things can happen when lying to a person. The person can find out when everything unravels that person will not have trust in you and you would be known as a liar. To every action there is a consequence, so why not deal with just one consequence when telling the
Utilitarian ethics focuses on the maximizing the pleasure and the minimizing the extent of pain. The biggest factor to note here is that Utilitarian ethics are not act driven, but rather they focus completely on the consequences of an action. If lying in a situation was to create more Good than telling the truth, then by these ethics, lying is not only acceptable but the right thing to do (Philosophy- Ethics).
The article, “Is Lying Bad for Us,” accurately describes the intentions of a “liar.” The author says, “Though liars do not tell the truth, they care about it, while the bullshitter does not even care about the truth and seeks merely to impress” (Gunderman). This statement proves that lying should not be viewed as out of the ordinary, or unacceptable, and that liars should not be viewed as bad people. Lying can be shown as a way of protecting or caring
We were told that we should be honest no matter what happens. However, today it seems lies are somewhat part of our lives. Sometimes dishonesty really does harm to others, but there are some situations when lying is acceptable and it's a better decision. I myself lie bad and good all the time. I think lying is okay in a certain situation.
Lying is only acceptable in specific situations. Lying can be acceptable in a life or death situation to save someone or yourself. According to Barbara Ballinger author of, “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth” from article 3, quotes Blanton as stated, “Yes, but we shouldn’t manipulate the truth except for rare times - if you’re hiding Anne Frank in your attic because her life is in danger” (Ballinger Par. 11). This proves that lying can be acceptable when someone is in danger.
They say lying is needed to help keep friends, not lose someone you love, and have better opportunities in your life. In the article “It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying” a man named Cohen says, “Not only is lying justified, it is also a moral duty”. People who believe in those things and in other reasons that lying is justified are wrong. To keep friends and someone you love you need to tell the truth by being honest. You also need to be honest in life. Say you applied for a job interview and you lied but you got the job. You applied because its a good job and they pay well. But one day the lie will be discovered and you will end up getting fired. Then next time you apply for a job interview your application might say you’re a liar so you won’t get the job. So you should’ve just told the truth and who knows you might have gotten the job. Telling the truth has more advantages in life than lying. In life lying never gets you anywhere and it can take great opportunities from you. So if you are one of these types of people who lie you might want to think about it before
Lying is justified when it can be used to protect and cares for others. For example Anne Frank survived as long as she did because those sheltering her lyed to the Naziz army. What I mean by this is that if they didn't lie they would have been dead. This shows that lying saved them that day. In addition, the french resistance during world war 1 couldn't have operated without deception. Another way to say this is, that they lied to keep the army safe. This is important because, if they had said the truth we wouldn't be here. So saving somebodys life by lying is worth it.
We lie all the time, lying is not something new to our culture. We lie to our parents, we lie to our friends, we even lie to our significant other, but why do we do it? There is not one set reason on why we lie but they can vary from an insignificant reason to something more nefarious. A good operational definition of a lie is “A lie is a false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, intentionally.” (Freitas-Magalhães) We have been raised to know that lying is usually a bad thing, and it’s better to tell the truth, not to mention the circumstances get exponentially worse if you are caught lying. No one wants to be labeled as a liar, or untrustworthy. This may sound unorthodox but I personally think lying is perfectly fine; depending on the situation. If you have a prima-facie duty to be dishonest it’s perfectly acceptable. Ross says a prima facie duty or obligation is an actual duty. “One’s actual duty is what one ought to do all things considered.” (Carson) I’m not the only one who finds this too be true. Ross would also agree with me, He says “Lying is permissible or obligatory when the duty not to lie conflicts with a more important or equal important prima facie duty.” (Carson) As I was doing research on this topic I did read one extremely compelling argument on why we ought not to lie. Aristotle basically said a person who makes a defense for lying could never be trusted. (King.)
This has been part of us for centuries and we have been so embedded into lying that it has to stay in our daily lives. Think about it everyone has said a lied and we don’t know whether it’s really the truth or just another lie you agree to believe. For example children are the most common little people to ever lie to their parents about eating a cookie before their meal or washing their teeth before going to bed, another example are babies they cry and cry for no good reason just to get attention from the mother and be happy shortly
Telling the truth teaches one person self- respect for themselves and others as well. Telling the truth also sets a good example for others to do the same thing and make a “chain reaction”. People can make a “chain reaction” by passing on what they have done from one person to another, and before you know it, everyone is changing greatly, and the world is progressing tremendously. Lies are told all around the world, and they are told every day. One lie can often lead to another lie and cause you to be caught up in one big lie that will be hard to get out of if people do not tell the truth. If a person thinks that is okay to lie, they better think again, the truth always comes out no matter how hard a person tries to keep it in, or how much someone thinks that they can get away with lying. No person can keep in or hold a grudge with what they have done. After all, telling the truth is the right thing to do, and everyone should do it. Telling the truth is always much easier than the trouble of a
In certain circumstances and situations, I truly believe it is ok to lie. Initially, it is extremely beneficial to lie, rather than hurt the feelings of a loved one. Equally important, if you are trying to protect someone from getting impaired, it is okay to lie in order to keep them safe. Last but not least, exaggerations can help boost people’s self-esteem by making them exceptional. William Blake once said “A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.” I urge you to question if honesty is really the best route, or is it okay to lie sometimes.