American Imperialism Essay

770 Words2 Pages

Kristin Thompson
Honors US history
Febuary 26, 2014
"We cannot sit huddled within our own borders and avow ourselves merely an assemblage of well-to-do hucksters who care nothing for what happens beyond. Such a policy would defeat even its own end; for as the nations grow to have ever wider and wider interests, and are brought into closer and closer contact, if we are to hold our own in the struggle for naval and commercial supremacy, we must build up our Dower without our own borders." 1899, Theodore roosevelt his book, The Strenuous Life.
Imperialism is a policy that is used by stronger nations to extend political, economic or military control to weaker nations around the world. American imperialism existed between the 1890 and 1913.President Theodore Roosevelt was a very influential person during American imperialism age. Military backround gave Roosevelt a very strong following of people, so when the idea of imperialism was brought up to United states citizens by Roosevelt through speechs the minds of citizens quickly changed. Roosevelt claimed that "we do not admire the man of timid peace. We admire the man who embodies victorious effort." The United States wanted to expand because the United states wanted a stronger military, indutrilization and many more reasons. After the start of American imperialism there where many positive and negative effects like the construction of the pananma canal. Panma also gained independence ,The United States also became a very powerful place in the world. The Philippines, Alaska, Cuba , Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam and mexico where all places in the world the United states was involved in during the imperialism age.
Although today Columbia is now the number one recipient of U...

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...e United States should have negiotiated with the Columbian government or we should have just left the entire situation alone. From what I read about The United States involvement in Columbia during the Imperial Age I believe that it was alittle unnesacarry because I just am a very strong believer that if something is not yours you should leave it alone. Although now The United States and Columbia don’t have any major issues with one another now things like this could really cause major issues. I believe that talking things out and negotioating deals verbally just makes situations end normally better. I think that the Americas involvement in this now is not having positive neither negative effects on peoples lives now a days because people have adapted to the change. I do believe that if this would have not happed there would be a very big change in world history.

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