American History X: A Controversial Film

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Marg Sapp Ethics Wed. AM American History X Essay American History X is a controversial movie with many shocking moments. The writers took it back to the beginning where racism theoretically stems from, the way people are raised. American History X portrays how one persons influence can manipulate others. Derek’s father’s views are what let Derek to feel as he did, which leads you to believe that racism is learned. Racism is defined as the belief that one race is superior to all other races. Some people are racist against others because the color of another’s skin or religious differences. They focus on others outside features other than the inner. American History X will make racist and non racist people take a second thought about their views on …show more content…

He joined a white supremacy group (also Neo Nazi?), where he began to act out. Derek found his place with the “skinheads”. The group created an environment where Derek felt welcome. It was then that Derek’s racism grew from just a feeling to an action. Derek lost it, letting his feelings be taken to an extreme when three African American men were trying to steal his father’s car. After killing 2 of the 3 men, Derek was sentenced to three years for their murders. I believe that if the men who were robbing his car were white he wouldn’t have gone to the extent of killing them. In prison, Derek planned to continue his same actions by seeking out another white supremacy group. However, when the new group failed to accept him, he went elsewhere. Derek’s cell mate, Lamont, (that is a person of color,) became his only friend and offered Derek a certain amount of protection while in jail. When the supremacist group found out about Derek’s friendship they assaulted him. The assault was the turning point for Derek to realize that it was not about race, but the person. The change was clear as Derek realized how misguided his actions had been. Derek, having been violated by “his own” was able to see

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