American Hate Crime Analysis

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“Man beaten to Death in Logan Heights Hate Crime” and “How Trump’s New Plan Affects the 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants in the US,” are two news headlines from this year. The first one being just as recent as three days ago. Ever since Trump has become president deportation rates and hates crimes have increased. After years of striving for an equal America and making slight progress throughout each decade. We took major steps back after the 2016 election. It seems racism is truly presenting its face once again, not to state it was really hiding to begin with though. However, in this “New America” people of race are frightened now more than ever with our new racist president. Constantly dreading the end of their times here in the U.S are …show more content…

Now ever since the election of our president I’ve never felt more Hispanic now then my nineteen years on this earth. I always knew who I was and where my heritage begins. But now it as though I have to constantly remember in this America I don’t belong here according to Trump. I was born in America, English is the first and only language I speak and yet everyday I feel like I’m not an American. Americans are portrayed as these people who are proud of there country for being “The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.” However, how can I be proud if I’m not wanted here in this country. Just as I’ve stated in the prior paragraphs There have been times I wish that I could pass as white. Not because I’m ashamed of my heritage or my family. I would do it just for the sake of feeling safe at night. If this is how I feel I can only imagine how the millions of undocumented immigrants and people of different races, feel as well. Knowing any day, they could be attacked or …show more content…

Which in a way in is depressing because it just shows how America really hasn’t changed much since this books publishing in 1929. Especially now with Trump as our president who knows where we will end up in the fight to end racism. All we can do now is what our ancestors did then and just have our voices heard. We won’t be silence and won’t allow any more to die. We can’t just try to pass and hide away. We have to work hard now so we become the ancestors the future generations look up to continue fighting. Inspiring future generations with speeches like Martin Luther King jr and novels like “Passing” from Nella Larsen. Then in who knows what year we can finally end racism in America. Which is what I’m sure Nella Larsen truly wanted herself in publishing this book. Which anyone from back then truly wants. But until then racism is alive and more dangerous then

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