American Dream Is Dead

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In The American Dream Is Dead, and Good Riddance, Kelli Goff complains about the unattainable American Dream that is said to be an opportunity for everyone who works hard and long enough. The American Dream is said to be an accomplishment in which you have a family-sized house, marriage, 2 kids, and a nice car, which in today’s American society is not often seen. Goff argues that the American Dream is in reach for less than 13% of American families, as well as most Americans today have their own version of the American dream, and that the societal pressure of this achievement harasses the contentment of many Americans. I agree with Goff’s argument that the American Dream is truly dead and better off gone. The American dream is only available …show more content…

Some people have faced the reality that they will not be able to acquire the American Dream due to the extremely high costs of living. Furthermore, according to, their graph presents the total household income based on race, which shows the uneven wages which are so drastically gaped. In 2022, there was a $50,000 household income salary gap between African Americans, who have the lowest incomes, and Asians, who have the highest income. How can everyone live the American Dream when wages are not even 50% equal between different races? Over time, the graph showed that the rich got richer and the poorer maintained an almost constant wage. This goes to show that the American Dream is not just for anybody, but for a certain kind of person. Investopedia, a source which provides reliable financial information by experts who contribute, writes that “The American Dream now costs $3,455,305—that's the estimated lifetime cost of common milestones including marriage, two children, homes, healthcare, cars, and education. The cost of raising two children to the age of 18 is now estimated at over half a million dollars ($576,896). The average lifetime cost of a home, including a mortgage with a 10% down payment and a 30-year fixed rate of 7.2%, is now about $796,998, according to Investopedia’s analysis.” In making this statement, Investopedia urges us to reanalyze that the American Dream is based on a slim opportunity that you find a way to make approximately $100,000 annually after taxes. This gap in the economy between low and high classes gets drastically wide due to the fact that the rich are making the American Dream more unavailable as wealth becomes more highly fluctuated. People who are athletically gifted, for example, Professional Women Basketball Players made around $147,745 in 2023

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