American Dream Dead Or Alive Research Paper

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Is the American Dream Dead or Alive? Walt Disney once said, “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”. Everyone has something they want to achieve in life, and without realizing it people are creating their own version of the American dream. The dream is about reaching for the impossible to ensure one’s “perfect life”. Then people are able to challenge the difficulties they face and rise above them. Through hard work, knowing failure and starting over is a part of success, and finding their individual dream is how it can become a reality. Sometimes dreams are not easy to accomplish it may even takes years before it becomes a reality. But it takes a resilient person willing to put in the work even when the odds …show more content…

When in actuality it is quite the opposite, almost every story told, they will say it took a few redo’s and readjustments of their dreams before they seen success. In William Zinsser’s Essay, “The Right to Fail”, he argues, “Who is to say, then, if there is any right path to the top, or even to say what the top consists of?”, (83). America offers ways to dust off the dirt and rebuild when life starts to crumble. Failure is not the issue when people can’t reach their dream it is the idea that dream must die after one fails. Here in America everyone has the freedom to start over to pursue something …show more content…

Since the dream was not achievable for everyone then therefore it does not exist. However, they are looking at the dream the wrong way. It is not always about making millions of dollars or becoming famous. The American dream does not make the amount of money one has equal to amount of success or happiness. Just because they are people who claim they have not managed the dream it does not discredit the ones who have; some with little to nothing to start

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