America as a superpower

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The United States has been a super power for decades, and since America has always involved themselves in other countries' problems. Instead of isolationism, the country has practiced getting involved. Since the Monroe Presidency, America has been named the World's police force. Dispelling anarchists, and stopping coos, the united states portrays itself as the world protector. Since Monroe, some Americans have felt that isolation is the way to go, and most feel that it is our right to offer assistance. Two recent incidents, Operation Desert Storm and The War in Bosnia have allowed the United States to show off it's strength, both on the military and political level. It has also given the chance for America to evaluate it's foreign policy, but can the World Super-Power continue to police other countries in light of earlier battles, or should the stationed troops pack up and home for good.

Americans have always been overseas, protecting or overseeing the peace of another country. During the Monroe administration many US Policies were established, some of which are still in effect today. The Monroe Doctrine, passed into law by Congress under Monroe, has forced the United States to get into so many conflicts with neighboring Latin American countries. Sometimes even European countries declared war on America because of this doctrine.

The Monroe Doctrine was delivered by James Monroe to the United States Congress in 1823. Since that time, this document has been the cornerstone of the United States foreign policy. This document was established for two major reasons, both involving European countries on United States soil. The first was Russia, who at the time was planning to establish a colony on the pacific northwest coast, the United States felt that it was a strategic military position, and if ever at war with Russia, it would pose as a threat. The second was that several European nations were planing to help Spain recover some of it's 'New World' colonies which had declared independence. The United States saw this as a threat as well. For these reasons, Monroe made an statements to various nations. "One statement warned Russia that the American continents were 'not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power." A second warned France, Russia, Prussia, and Au...

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