Alzheimer's Essay

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As people grow old and join the senior community many changes arise, some of these changes involve health related issues. People grow and make memories throughout their lifetime but sadly there is a condition that erases them all, it is call Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a type of Dementia that attacks the brain and affects memory, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and it is a progressive disease that has no cure. Currently, more than five million Americans over the age of sixty five are suffering from this condition, which is the 6th leading cause of death among seniors. The effects of Alzheimer’s on a person are individualized but there are certain things that are common and professionals and caregivers should always look out for. Living with Alzheimer’s is life altering and the Senior community is deeply affected from the condition. The effects of Alzheimer’s are individualized from person to person but there are common symptoms among those who suffer from the condition. The most common symptom among those who suffer from Alzheimer’s is memory loss. People begin to forget simple things and this becomes a recurring issue that affects their everyday life. For example, people forget places, dates, are unable to tell time and things that were routinely to them become too difficult to perform. Another symptom that is common among those who suffer from the condition is the person being unable to follow conversations or even form one. People usually are unable to remember words or form coherent sentences and this causes a disruption in their social lives. These, symptoms also lead to other symptoms such as withdrawing from social activities and having behavioral, mood and personality changes. Other... ... middle of paper ...’s association has been providing information about things that people can do in order to see if it would slow down the disease and help the cause to justify the research when it comes to how music, exercise and reading can slow down a person’s brain decline and memory loss. The Senior Community has been dealing with Alzheimer’s disease for several years. In some instances there have been cases in the news where family members are looking for their one of their family members due to them wandering around when they suffer from this condition. As time and technology progresses there is hope that a cure for Dementia and Alzheimer’s can be found. Until then, the senior community not only in the United States but all over the world has to learn step by step to live with Alzheimer’s and take the precautions in order to maintain their safety at all times.

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