Alternate Ending To Frankenstein Essay

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I awaken to a throbbing pain in the back of my neck. All dazed and confused, I crawl among the remains of what use to be my only source of land in this vast open sea. Drifting abyss for possibly days, my throat screeching like an aged wooden door and my stomach contracting like it's trying to consume itself, I scramble among the rubble in search of any clean source of water, constantly reminding myself not to lose sanity and drink the water by which I am surrounded by. I came across a small hole in the deck, probably a foot by foot long, full of fresh yet slightly salty water which might have been collected by passing showers. I indulged myself into these heavenly tears without any hesitation. My throat sizzling as the water streams down my esophagus and …show more content…

I laid there for a while looking down over the edge getting lost within the beautiful darkness of the ocean. When suddenly a dark figure emerged from the depths of this immense catacomb. As this creature broke the barrier between the depths of the unknown towards the heights of the lesser known I was staring at this creature face to face. Eyes so beautiful i could see the star-filled night within them, blonde hair vivid enough to compete with the moon to illuminate the night sky, and a smile so radiant you could feel it hitting your face, canceling out the cool oceanic breeze. She never spoke, but she never needed to, for her eyes told me her story. She is a lost soul just like me. She drowned but nobody saw her struggle. She was known for being strong and always disguised her weakness with a smile and when the time came where help was all she needed, no one offered a hand. Her mysterious green eyes started tearing up because what she couldn't say she wept, so I grabbed her hands to comfort her, and she turned them around revealing the scars from the past that mapped her future, scars from certain broken

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