Alone Together Rhetorical Analysis

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Facebook, Instagram, Texting, Email, Twitter, and Snapchat they’ve brought a lot of good to us. We can now do work faster and more efficiently. We can communicate with old friends faster and cheaper than ever before. They allow us to have constant communication with one another, but they take as much as they give. Events and special occasions that use to be cherished and shared with friends and family only, face to face is now being put on display for all to see. When did we get so emotionless? When did a one sentence text message suddenly become the way to announce an engagement or a picture on Facebook be the way a family member discovers you’re sick? In the article titled “Alone together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from …show more content…

Whether it was joyful news like getting engaged or having a baby or less cheerful news like a family relative sick. Now this news is delivered with a text or a social media, post as opposed to a party or an in-person announcement. We no longer consider even telling loved ones in person. We don’t consider the way that our loved ones will feel when we skip over telling them in person or individually. Take for example the most recent situation, I have found myself in. My friend of four or so years has recently gotten engaged and the way she chooses to tell me as well as all her loved ones is through a one sentence text message. One like “Jordan proposed and I said yes”. Imagine yourself in that situation, a mother who has heard about one of the biggest milestones in her daughter’s life through a text message. What about a father; a father being told he will walk his daughter down the aisle soon from a text message. Another particular example that comes to mind is my family, learning my cousin was in the hospital by a Facebook post. My mother had logged on to her Facebook and was shocked to discover that my younger cousin had been in the hospital for days. Her parents had chosen to tell the rest of my family by a Facebook post. Her mother took a photo of her and captioned it "Hoping you get better soon my lovely daughter". We never received one phone call for all of those days she spent in the hospital and the way her …show more content…

It has made us uncaring and impassive people who don’t have real conversations or see the point in communicating with others. Meaningful announcements are now announced by social media post and text messages. We ask in personal, unimportant shallow questions that lead nowhere. we ask how others are without really caring about the answer. Virtual likes now represent support and emoticons project our emotions. We ignore each other in the real and in the online world whenever we please. We have stopped caring. If we continue to missus constant communication, we will never have a real conversation

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