Allusions In Brave New World

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Literature provides individuals with knowledge of their surroundings and even in civilization. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare was passed onto John after Linda received this book from Pope. John has always kept this book with him, even in the Central Hatchery. Huxley has alluded to many Shakespeare plays such as Othello, The Tempest, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and many more. Due to these allusions, John believes the World was in better hands before Ford. As a result of John reading Shakespeare, John understands family relationships, love, religion, art, and emotions. John recites Shakespeare quotes; one which he recites most is from Othello "O wonder! […] How many goodly creatures there are here! How beauteous mankind is! […] O brave new world […]. O brave new world. […] O
Hypnopaedia has been used in Brave New World, to manipulate children from a young age to control them to the end of their life. The process of the hypnopaedic conditioning, brainwashes individuals, hence they believe what the society wants them to think. An example, of the hypnopaedic process, “Not so much like drops of water […] drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate, themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock is all one scarlet blob”. The simile compares hypnopaedia to water; hypnopaedia is then referred to drops of liquid wax. The simile emphasises the symbiotic nature of sleep teaching. Huxley has built upon that revelation: “adhere, incrust, incorporate”. The emotive language of these words shows us that the ideas stick in one’s mind. The metaphor shows that then the ideas slowly cover the surface until finally they intertwine completely with one’s psyche. This shows that the government has created the hypnopaedic conditioning to control the society, as said above, no citizen in the society rebels against the

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