All The Light We Cannot See Summary

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Edward Hamilton Journal 2A All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr Pages this week:153 Pages total: 200/600 Have you ever wondered what it is like to be blind when tragedy strikes? Or have you ever wondered what it's like to be shipped off to a Nazi training school? In the book All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr you get the taste of two different realities. The two main characters live out their lives in France and in Germany, the book begins just before WWII breaks out and continues throughout the war. Marie-Laure Leblanc is a 12 year old blind Parisian who is forced to move in with her uncle in Saint-Malo and Werner Pfennig is a 15 year old boy from Germany who is fascinated with radios and math. The book changes storylines every few pages so you get a good sense of what is going on at …show more content…

The first connection was with myself sometimes I feel like Marie-Laure when she is scared and curious “We must be half something.” (Doerr 64) “What if he does not want us to stay there?” (Doerr 89). She worries a lot and is looking for answers to what is going on, I experience this frequently, I wonder and ask the big questions, “why am I here?” and “why is this happening?” Having the same questions as Marie-Laure really helps me to connect and relate to the character. The second connection I made was with the world currently. I know we do not live under the same conditions that the characters in the book lived under, but the world is still a dark place. Most people are out to get you just like the Nazi soldiers were out to take your life, but nowadays they don't want your life they want your freedom, they want your hate and they want you to be scared. The world does not want you to succeed and it is still a dark place. The writer really writes in a very relatable way in which it is easy to connect

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