Compare And Contrast Anthony Doerr And All The Light We Cannot See

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All the Light We Cannot See was written by Anthony Doerr, and it follows the lives of Marie-Laure LeBlanc and Werner Pfenning in Saint-Malo and Paris, France, and all over Germany during World War II. Marie Laure is a blind French girl living with her father in Paris. Werner is a German orphan living with his sister, Jutta, in an orphanage in Zollverein. Because of the war, Marie-Laure had to move to Saint-Malo, while Werner was going to into the army. Their lives, along with other characters, are changing in big ways and the effect of it could lead to how they see the world. Marie-Laure’s life changed when at the age of six she went blind, causing her to become very dependent on the people around her. Her father tried to make her life as …show more content…

They both are thought to be a freak or crazy, as they do not fit the normality. As Marie-Laure is blind, and Etienne has agoraphobia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. They both lost someone that was important to them in a world war. Etienne lost his brother during World War I, and Marie-Laure lost her father during World War II. They fell broken because of the one person that understood them and that was there for them was gone and they did not know how to handle it because they when though everything together. As the story goes on you get to see Etienne’s and Marie-Laure’s relationship get strong and they began to mend the damage, and become support systems for each …show more content…

He built a secret door in his wardrobe that went to the ladder to his attic. Since he was going to be dealing with the radio, Marie-Laure would go to get bread that may or may not have a piece of paper that has numbers on them. One day, Marie-Laure did not come home, which lead to Etienne worrying for her. When she was gone for over thirty minutes, he decided to leave his house and find her. Once he found her, he decided he was going to take over getting the bread from then on. When the war is over, he and Marie move back into her old apartment in Paris to live

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