All Quiet On The Western Front Brutality Quotes

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Brutality and carnage of all quiet on the western front Throughout the novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” brutality and carnage is shown as a major theme. Throughout WWI, many soldiers died and the main characters closest friends. Brutality and carnage is seen throughout the novel through characters death,traumatizing events and the post traumatic stress that the soldiers suffered with themselves. Throughout the novel characters deaths happened frequently. Most of the characters that died in the novel were very close to paul. Kemmerich who was a very close friend to paul because of an injured leg when the were at war, later on his leg was amputated. Paul visits kemmerich in the hospital where he died in front of him. “Suddenly kemmerich groans and begins to gurgle. I jump up, stumble outside and demand, where is the doctor? Where is the doctor? As i catch sight of the white apron i seize hold of it.” “come quick, franz kemmerich is dying.” (remarque pg.31) Another character's death in the novel was kat who was like a bestfriend to paul. When kat is bringing back …show more content…

One traumatizing event for the new recruits was when all the soldiers were under attack and the new recruits were scared for there life from hearing all the explosives. The new recruits never experienced shell bombs, explosives and bombardements. All of it was new to them so with the attack going on it was all a traumatizing scene to them. Another traumatizing event is just the soldiers seeing all the other soldiers wounded or dead lying around the trenches helpless. Paul and his crew actually sees man fighting for their lives or man that are already dead. “And into our pierced and shattered souls bored the torturing image of the brown earth with the greasy sun and the convulsed and dead soldiers, who lie there - it can't be helped - who cry and clutch at our legs as we spring away over them.” (remarque

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