Ali Khawaja Facts Scenarios

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Fact Scenario Ali Khawaja, is a 48-year-old devoted Muslim and has strong Islamic values. He lives in Queensland with his wife and daughters, Aameena 5, Azneem 6 and Amreena 7. He and his young family immigrated from Tehran to Queensland three years ago in hopes of a better life. In Iran, Mr. Khawaja was a cleric for the Guardian Council for five years until he was dismissed. Ali works 7 days a week doing day shifts in a factory and volunteer’s his time at the local Mosque in the evening. In order to save money, Ali and his family live on the bottom floor of a house that was licenced from Chris. Chris, the owner of the house lives upstairs. Chris is a single father of one 10-year-old daughter, Amber who visits on the weekends. Often Amir’s daughters play upstairs with Amber. On the evening of 30 July 2016, Ali returned from work to find that his daughters were not ready for the Mosque. As his wife finished cooking dinner, Ali took his daughters to their respective rooms to help them change into clean clothes for the Mosque. The youngest Aameena refused to change her outfit. In attempts to console his daughter Ali picked up Aameena, who then screeched in pain. Ali lifted Aameena’s clothes to find sever swelling and bruises along her ribs. Amir confronted Amreena immediately, who explained that Amber had hurt Aameena while …show more content…

Chris in a nonchalant manner said “you terrorist cunt, I googled you. I know who you are. Of course, I got Amber to beat your nasty incest daughters and I recorded it so we can re-watch it and laugh because your immigrant ass can’t do shit.” In rage, Ali ran at Chris knocking him to the floor. Ali then mounted Chris and began to beat him in the face until Chris was unrecognizable. Ali’s wife called the police. When they arrived Ali cooperated and gave a statement of the events that took place. Chris died of a brain bleed in the ambulance on his way to the hospital and Ali was charged with

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