Alexander II's Title as Tsar Liberator

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Alexander II's Title as Tsar Liberator

Amid the Crimean War克里米亞戰爭 of 1854-56, Alexander II阿歷山大二世

succeededç¹¼ä½ to the throneçš‡ä½ of the Romanov Dynastyç¾…æ›¼è«¾å¤«çš‡æœ of Czarist

Russia. Russia was finally defeated. He saw hopes of Russia's recovery

in reforms. During his reign在ä½æœŸé–“ in 1855-81, Alexander II carried out

a broad reform programme, covering the Emancipation of Serfs解放農奴,

establishment of zemstva地方議會, judicialå¸æ³•, educational, economic and

military reforms as well as relaxation放寬 of press censorshipå ±åˆŠæª¢æŸ¥.

Mosse莫斯 named him the "Czar Liberator沙皇解放者". Yet the failure of the

reforms led to revolutionary plots陰謀 and he was even assassinated被暗殺

in 1881.

From the lessons教訓 of Russia's defeat in the Crimean War, Alexander II

concluded that the root of many Russian problems was the outdated

serfdom農奴制度. Both Czars Alexander I 阿歷山大一世 (1801-25) and Nicholas

Iå°¼å¤æ‹‰ä¸€ä¸– (1825-55) had condemned譴責 this system. Owing to political

crises (frequent peasant riotsæš´å‹•), humanitarianism人é“主義, liberalism, as

well as needs of military, industrial and agricultural developments,

the "Czar Liberator" issued the Emancipation Edict of Serfs 解放農奴詔令 in


By the Edict, 34.4% of the Russian population was freed. The

government bought both lands and serfs from landlords. Mirs公社 were set

up to manage the serfs. Yet ex-serfså‰è¾²å¥´ were required to repayå„Ÿé‚„ the

redemption money贖身費 for 49 years with interest. Besides, they needed

to shoulderè‚©è² èµ· the soul taxéˆé­‚稅 and pay rents for the lands. Before...

... middle of paper ...

...itæ ¸æ•¸ were improved. After 1862 the budget was made


In a nutshell總而言之, Alexander II's reform programme was not effective

enough to solve Russia's problems but created more. The life of

peasants and workers was not improved. The gentry were angry about the

loss of privileged status and insufficient government compensation.

Mosse says, "The terms of the liberation were a compromise which could

satisfy neither of the main social groups." As discussed above, many

of his "liberal experiment自由實驗" even sowed the seedsæ’­ä¸‹ç¨®å­ of the

Russian Revolutions. He did not deserve值得 the name "Czar Liberator",

either, as he carried out reforms from above. Nevertheless, it was so

brave of him to conduct such a comprehensive reform programme, and he

did make much contribution to Russia's modernization.

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