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Modernism vs post modernism
Modernism vs post modernism
Modernism vs post modernism
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“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity,” (Albert Einstein). In today’s technologically dependent society, one would rather interact with a computer screen than with a loved one, and would rather scroll through his or her social media feed than flip through the pages of a novel. Contemporary social critic Neil Postman discusses the two different futuristic views of authors George Orwell in his novel 1984 and Aldous Huxley in his Brave New World. Postman believes that Huxley’s vision of the effect of technology is more relevant to society today than Orwell’s. He says that Huxley believes “what we love will ruin us” while Orwell fears “what we hate will ruin us”. Neil Postman’s assertion, that Aldous Huxley’s vision of the future is more relevant today, is correct. The …show more content…
advanced technologies humans love and depend on constantly will ruin them. Although Huxley was more than likely speaking metaphorically about the murderous actions of the world’s technological advancements, technology has literally ending countless human lives throughout the past century and will continue to do so.
Texting/using a cell phone while operating a vehicle is one of the front runners in technology related deaths/injuries. Statistics show that 660,000 people per day attempt to use a cell phone while behind the wheel, and that 1.6 million of reported car crashes per year are linked to cell phones. Eleven adolescents lose their lives every day due to texting and driving (“Cell Phone Use While Driving”), these are young lives that are being cut short due to recklessness and a lack of concern for others and even themselves. This is what technology has done to society. It is obvious that people today believe that liking an Instagram picture or texting back their best friend is more important than another person’s safety and well being. People have begun to put others in danger in order for them to fulfill their own electronic addictions. Humans once loved and cared for each other, now they love and care for their cell
phones. Not only does technology literally end lives, it also kills basic human interaction and values. Teenagers would much rather stay in their bedroom and play video games or play on their phone or watch Netflix than spend time with their family. According to Pew Research Center, 92% of teens go online daily and 24% of those teens say they are online constantly. This continuous use and easy access to the internet keeps people from spending face to face, quality time with friends and family. One would much rather text a person than actually calling them or seeing them in person. With the electronic uproar that has occurred in the past ten years, it has been nearly impossible for young people to learn and practice basic “people skills”, instead they sit on their iPads or cell phones and surf the internet because, to them, that is way more interesting than the actual person sitting next to them. I see this happening daily in my own household. My younger sister plays Minecraft on her iPad all day, and instead of a punishment like an old school time out, she simply gets to spend less time on her device, which to her, seems like the end of the world. It is saddening to see the addictive properties of electronics playing such a role in children's lives, even toddlers are being appeased with a game or video on an IPad instead of a teddy bear or blanket. Technology makes it easier for humans to avoid direct communication, this weakens relationships between people while strengthening the addiction to the electronic device. Before long, children will have no idea what a family gathering looks like without a cell phone in hand, or what hanging out with friends is like with an actual conversation. Technology is ruining relationships. As humans, we constantly feel the need to improve, to advance, to be the best. Technology is advancing every day in every way possible. It plays a role in so many people's lives and we feel as if we cannot live without it. When I was young, we begged to go outside, made crafts on rainy days, and played Candyland when it got dark. Today children stay cooped up in their rooms, beg constantly to play on their iPads, and have never even heard of the game Candyland. Electronics have taken over every aspect of a child's life, and they really did not have a choice. Unfortunately, they have grown up in a world where technology is the answer to everything, where technology is the best of the best, and it is only going to get worse from here. Our world is to a point where computers make up a majority of the employed, where people are losing their lives because of a measly text message, and where the average child’s favorite time of the day is when he/she gets his/her iPad. Technology is ruining people's opportunities to earn money, ruining the lives of families who have lost a loved one in a texting and driving accident, and is ruining childhoods, yet we continue to love it and the things it does for us. So, technology lovers, let me ask, where are we going to draw the line?
technology may lead, a reader can ascertain this knowledge as a warning. George Orwell, the author of
Have you ever sat at a table surrounded by friends whose eyes were glued to their phones? According to ABC News, kids spend an average of seven and a half hours on technology and only 38 minutes of reading in a day. In Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, the society is very similar to ours. Technology has taken over and has made society very closed minded. People are unwilling to remove their eyes from large TV screens to see why things happen, and to notice all the little things in life that make it worth living. Without open-mindedness and curiosity, society would corrupt like in Fahrenheit 451, all because of an overuse of technology. Technology causes society to become a dystopia and once the society is one, there comes a point where you cannot reverse it. Bradbury emphasizes the importance of paying attention to the world and what happens when you become addicted to technology.
Technology in a Totalitarian Society. In Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley and 1984 written by George Orwell the dystopian societies depend on technology to create a totalitarian society. Brave New World is a sequel to 1984, because Brave New World is an established dystopian society which uses technology in a much more pleasureable way, whereas in 1984 the technology is used in a much more aggressive manner. The technology used in both novels aids both governments in creating a totalitarian society, technology helps the government take control over all citizens, influence all of the peoples actions, and determine the people’s emotions.
David R. Morrow stated in his article, When Technologies Makes Good People Do Bad Things: Another Argument Against the Value-Neutrality of Technologies, “the use or invention of technology is not wrong it is the users who have ‘‘vicious’’ or condemnable preferences that will affect the outcome.” Orwell used technology in a way that many people of that time would never have imagined possible and created a fear of the future for his readers. How could a man, who was unaware of what the future would hold, be so acute and on point with how the world would be today? In his last interview Orwell said, “Always there will be the intoxication of power and always and every moment there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on the enemy who is helpless.” Orwell tried to warn people not of the technology but of the danger technology might cause in the future if it landed in the wrong hands. In this paper, I will be exploring how the world of technology mimics that of Winston’s world and how “privacy” has lost its meaning due to technology just like in 1984 but the biggest issue I will research is why do we allow it the government to monitor our
One day Chandler Gerber 23, of Bluffton collided with an Amish buggy back in April of 2012. A three year old boy and a five year old girl were killed. A 17 year old boy who was in critical condition died several days later. Chandler was sending a text that said “ I love you” to his wife when he caused the accident. Drivers who were texting were 23.2 times more likely to crash to those who weren’t texting (Cell Phones and Texting). The increasing amount of crashes caused from texting and driving and growing and becoming more of a problem. Distracted driving is an increasing problem in the United States resulting in many accidents, but a solution to the problem would be banning cellphones while driving.
In the article excerpt, social critic Neil Postman describes two dystopian novels: George Orwell’s 1984, and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Postman compares which novel is more relevant to today’s society, and leans more towards Brave New World. When both novels are compared side by side, it is evident that Huxley’s world is indeed more relative to modern day civilization.
As Americans have seen an increase in the amount of texting and driving, there have been several of the 50 states that have put laws in place to help try and put a reduction on the amount of fatalities. The devastating part about this kind of distraction is that nearly every person that owns a cell phone has picked it up at some point while they are driving to make a phone call or send a quick text. They have seen the commercials and they know the hurt that it has caused many families losing someone they love, but we still do it anyways. It’s so easy to tell yourself “It’s just one quick text, I will be fine.” At some point we need to realize this is not ok.
Even though many of Orwell’s ideas in his novel 1984 seemed completely fictional, several of the concepts throughout his book have a common link to today’s society. For instance in the same way telescreens monitor people every second of their li...
Huxley observes in his work, Brave New World that the modern world revolves around technological development. The aspirations and morals of modern society do not entirely rely on social issues such as love, family, and success but rather on industrial progress and social development. According to Huxley, technological improvement and growth are critical factors that shape the operation and activities in modern society. So far, community members need to observe the world as technologically oriented and collective social setting. Instead of being interested in individual social development, modern society is focusing its attention on merging technological transformation and their impact in modern success. In his observation, Huxley states that modern society is quickly surrendering its culture to emerging technological development. Contemporary culture is mainly being characterised by socio-technological status (Huxley 7). Therefore, based on the novels content, it is clear that Huxley’s writing is a dangerous prophesy of technology’s ability to control modern social operations.
They both warn us of the dangers of a totalitarian society. Both books express a utopian ideal, examine characters that are forced into this state and are compelled to deal with this society and all the rules involved. The impracticality of the utopian ideal is explored in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Huxley’s Brave New World. Both authors suggest that a lack of familial bonds, the repression of human individuality, and the repression of artistic and creative endeavors in order to attain a stable environment renders the achievement of a perfect state unrealistic. The lack of familial bonds, in both novels, contributes to the development of a dystopian society.
Across the globe family and friends are losing their loved ones to fatal texting and driving accidents. These days, many strive to be connected with the world and their friends by using mobile devices. The problem is that numerous people tend to do so at bad times. For example, while one is driving, it is common to look down at the cell phone to send a short text message that could put their lives in harm. Across the nation, numerous advertising and support groups are spreading the word to encourage society to put phones down and focus on driving instead of texting. However, it really hasn’t stopped. There needs to be a significant change and with the way technology is advancing, there is an immediate, attainable action that can be accomplished.
Technology, which has brought mankind from the Stone Age to the 21st century, can also ruin the lives of people. In the novel Brave New World, the author Aldous Huxley shows us what technology can do if we exercise it too much. From the novel, we can see that humans can lose humanity if we rely on technology too much. In the novel, the author sets the world in the future where everything is being controlled by technology. This world seems to be a perfectly working utopian society that does not have any disease, war, problems, crisis, but it is also a sad society with no feelings, emotions or human characteristics.
Today’s society accepted phones so fast and easily, that most of the things that can harm us, are actually some of our social norms that we don’t even realize we are doing. Cell phones can have effects on the way people think and act, their interactions with people in society, and the amount information people retain from the direct result of multi-tasking. Cell phones are a very important asset to people, and good resources of information, but they can have negative effects on people such as depression, anxiety, and addiction to the use of the cell phone. Distractions from cell phone use have also been linked to many motor vehicle accidents as well. Cell phones were created to make our lives better, and more efficient, but do they harm us more than help
Texting while driving is a widespread epidemic in the United States that has unfavorable effects on our society.“Driving while texting is the standard wording used for traffic violations” (Bernstein). It causes many people to be distracted which can lead to accidents. “Eighty-nine percent of people own a cell phone” (Gardner). That is a plethora of people that are at risk of texting while driving. Also, texting has increased by ten times in three years(Bernstein). “The risk of a crash for those who are texting is twenty-three point two times greater than those who are not” (Gardner).Driving drunk only makes a person seven times more likely to be in a crash (Bernstein). This means texting while driving is three times more dangerous than driving intoxicated. One in five drivers admits to texting while driving(Gardner). This shows that that texting while driving is a widespread epidemic. When a survey asked teenagers whether they text and drive,“seventy five percent of teens admitted to texting while driving” (7).Distracted driving causes seventy-eight percent of car crashes(Bernstein). “No distraction causes as high of a risk of an accident as texting while driving” (Gardner). Also with these statistics, it is not hard to understand why accidents in teenagers that are driving have risen. The Bluetooth capability in cars gives a driver a hands-free way to talk on the phone, but is still not completely safe (8). Also, only 1 out of 3 US cars sold in 2009 had this feature. New systems are being developed that will use Bluetooth as well a global positioning technology to allow parents to monitor cell phone use and texting while driving (10).
Not only does it put the driver of the car in danger, but it also puts the passengers and the surrounding cars at risk. Using a cell phone while driving has been proven to be just as dangerous as driving under the influence. At any given moment during the day, around 800,000 people are driving cars while using a hand-held device, which unfortunately puts everyone else at risk of a car crash. In the recent year, 21% of fatal car crashes involved the use of a cellular device (Prof. David J. Hanson, 1997-2015). Unfortunately, humans, especially teenagers, cannot put down their cell phones while they drive due to the many notifications they receive. They are addicted. This points back to how the cell phones are affecting the mental health of humans. In 2007, Bailey Goodman, a seventeen-year-old, was killed along with four of her friends in a car accident. Goodman