Alcohol and College Students

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Alcohol and College Students Introduction: I decided to research alcohol, because of the large numbers of lives that alcohol ruins not only in the short run but also for the rest of peoples lives. Growing up I have witnessed many people who have developed alcohol problems at a young age and allowed it to take control of the way that they live their lives. It is obvious that alcohol has become a dangerous problem for college students in and out of the classroom. Research Methods: To understand why alcohol is a problem for college students, I decided to survey a random sample of 26 students here at State U. I designed the survey to be a quick and effective way to obtain the drinking habits of college students in order to discover where possible alcohol problems may arise. I chose to survey a random sample of students in order to get a complete response from older students as well as some of the younger students. The first questions I asked in my survey where how many days of the week do you drink, and what is your favorite drink. I asked these 2 simple questions just to get a feel for how often this person goes out and what this person usually drinks. I then wanted to find out whether or not students pre-game before they go out and party, so that was my next question. This will be an important question, because when students pre-game, they usually get hammered, then they will go out to a party and drink even more. In order to find out if students are also getting into drugs, I asked if a student has ever mixed alcohol with drugs. This question will be helpful in showing why students become attached to alcohol easily. Drugs will only make the need for alcohol increase. Drinking to relieve depression and to relax are also key points that go along with alcoholism, so it was almost necessary to ask those questions as well. Once a person begins to drink because of depression, it can swallow him/her right up, because alcohol will seem like the only way out for a person who is depressed. When students want to get drunk quick, they will usually use a beer bong to drink as many as 2 beers at a time. In order to find out which students do this, I asked how many students have ever used a beer bong. Finally, my last 2 questions involve drinking and driving as well as receiving an underage. As everybody knows, drinking and driving... ... middle of paper ... ...nses as well as the responses to my interview, I?ve decided that there are 2 main reasons why students develop dependence towards alcohol. The first and probably most important reason is that people start drinking extremely too early in their lives. As stated previously from the interview, the average person starts drinking at age 13. If a person starts drinking at age 13 then they most likely will revert to alcohol to help solve their problems. When students get older and are in college, the stress level increases. If a student is stressed out and has been drinking since age 13 then obviously the problem will only get worse from here. My research has showed that students do drink when they are depressed or stressed out, so I believe that keeping kids away from alcohol at a young age is the first step in solving alcoholic problems in college students. Conclusion: To conclude, I?ve decided that no matter what, students will drink. The problem cannot be solved overnight either. However, we need to be able to recognize when a friend has a problem. If dependence does occur then it needs to be taken care of immediately. Alcohol is never the answer, nor is it ever going to be.

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