Alcohol and Child Abuse
Every year, millions of children are mistreated by their parents. Though some may not want to concern themselves with victims of child abuse, there are many agencies out there that save thousands of children from living in broken homes. These people realize how much these children suffer from psychological and physical abuse. One of reasons as to why children get abused is because their parents are alcoholic. Though alcohol may seem enjoyable, the pain it has on children is immense.
Drinking too much alcohol may lead to permanent brain damage. The damage may cause memory loss, anxiety, and mental problems. Parents might return home and beat up their children and not remember anything the next day. This is because being
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Eckhart Tolle once said, “Discontent, blaming, complaining, self-pity cannot serve as a foundation for a good future, no matter how much effort you make.” Apparently, not a lot of people agree with this. Many parents justify their “discipling” by saying that their children are the cause of their financial problems. These adults know that they, themselves, are to blame. Yet, to get rid of their guilt, they take it out on their youngsters.
Stress is something everyone experiences at least once in their lives, whether it be from a test or a problem at work. Hans Selye said, “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” Certain reactions to stress lead to the eventual abusement of children. One of the causes for anger is stress. There are many ways to relieve stress, one being, drinking. No positive results come out when combining rage and alcoholic drinks. In their foggy state, these adolescents inflict pain on their own flesh and blood. Some might say, ”What’s wrong with drinking? It’s fun and makes us feel relaxed.” These feelings are only temporary. After a while, the side effects will show. On the other hand, the exploitation that millions of children have endured is not temporary. Sadly, in most cases it is permanent and irreversible. A child’s life and future are more important than someone’s short-lived
Earls, F., Reich, W., Jung, K. G., & Cloninger, C. R. (2006). Psychopathology in children of alcoholic and antisocial parents. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 12(4), 481 - 487.
Underage drinking has many physical effects that will stay with you for the rest of your life. One of the physical effects is brain damage. According to the American Medical Association, even consuming small amounts of alcohol can result in severe brain damage. Underage drinking can cause damage to your central nervous system, which is what sends messages from your brain to the rest of your body
The use of alcohol by adolescents is widely viewed as disobedience in American society. Although, alcohol use is technically illegal until the age of twenty-one (in 19 states the consumption of alcohol in not specifically illegal for people under the age of twenty-one), there is still an excessive use of dinking in teenagers today. Since alcohol is associated with all three leading causes of death among teens, it can also have less life-altering consequences such as a drop in academic performances and a decline of friend and family relationships. Also, mental disorders like anxiety, depression and behavioral issues as in loss of temper, an argumentative personality, being easily angered, and blaming others for mistakes. Alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in teenagers and society contributes to abuse by linking drinking to sophistication and good times. (“Alcohol Abuse and Youth” 1)
Alcoholism is a major problem in today’s society it is considered a disease. The effects of this so called disease are a lot more serious than one might think, and can effect your life in a big way. Many of alcohols consumers drink frequently that they will eventually get used to it, and it becomes an everyday thing. That right there is where the problem starts. Some of the effects I found are economical, physiological, and physical, which are some of the negative effects alcohol, can have on someone’s life.
The Federal surveys in America depict that there is a decline in the overall alcohol consumption amongst the members of a certain age group, whereas at the same time, the concentration of high numbers of alcohol abusers are associated with a certain age group. The total number of individuals aged below 65 who abuse alcoholic beverages in America has seen a drastic reduction in the last few years. However, the number of people between the age of 16 and 30 has been rising and has induced a significant short term and long-term effects especially on the health and productivity of the victims. The federal surveys indicate that there is an increased number of people who have been affected by the long-term effects associated with alcohol abuse the since 2009 (Yoshida, 2006).
Increased abuse of alcohol leads to physical damage to the body. Alcohol is absorbed directly into the brain, dulling one’s senses and weakling one's will power. According to the article from the Mayo Clinic Health Information, “Excessive use of alcohol can produce several harmful effects on your brain and nervous system. It also can severely damage your liver, pancreas and cardiovascular system. Alcohol use in pregnant women can damage the fetus” (Mayo 1). Continued ingestion of alcohol affects every organ in the body. Every organ in the body is affected. The liver has serious effects that may lead to cirrhosis and death.. At first the liver adapts and tolerates alcohol. It works harder and finally damages itself in time. Alcohol leads the liver to the inability to metabolize facts. Furthermore, it leads to increase in cholesterol and triglycerides leading to clogged arteries. Red blood cells are also affected leading the individual to become anemic.
When children are involved in a family structure that abuses alcohol or drugs an array of dysfunction becomes evident. Children might be subjected to child maltreatment, child abuse, physical/sexual abuse, or neglect, among many other inappropriate parenting practices. The alarming statistics of children that
Families in society today encounter a number of factors that make it difficult to have the “traditional American family”. Many families have grandparents acting as parents, single mother homes, and adolescents that are struggling with addiction and behavioral issues. Families are extremely affected by addiction and alcoholism and family therapy can play a major role in assisting the affected family members. Many marriages end in divorce and children inherit the disease of addiction. Alcoholism is a silent killer of the American family dream. Some of the issues linked with alcoholism in the family arebehavioral issues with family members,mental health issues within the family, and effects of alcoholism on the children.
...the dangers of alcohol are emphasized, not only to the individual but to the family. However often alcoholics don’t consider the negative influence they are having on their children. Although there still contradictions about the causes of alcoholism: some argue that it is a disease while others say it’s a choice. Whatever the reasons, parental drinking affects children negatively. It is dreadful that most children of alcoholics, the younger ones at least, have no control over the negative effects that their parent’s drinking problems give them. Many of these consequences of parental drinking can persist for a great part of the children’ s lives, so it is important to make alcoholics aware of the undesired effects of alcohol. It is definitely not the children’s choice to grow up with alcoholic parent(s), yet they still are largely impacted for their parent’s choices.
Alcohol has been known to tear apart families, because in some cases, a dad has had too many drinks and abuses someone in the family. Whether it be a kid, or a spouse, if they were not intoxicated with alcohol this event could likely be avoided. Alcohol makes the user make rash decisions and decide to do things they would not normally do. For example, a less violent father. A father typically would not beat his children unless they disobeyed him and he would discipline them. But when alcohol is thrown into the mix then the father might take out all of his anger and stress out on his family members who did nothing against him to provoke him. Alcohol takes away someone’s control and ability to make smart decisions, for this exact reason alcohol can affect families in more than one negative way. One way that alcohol affects the family is neglect of responsibilities (American Addiction Center ). If an adult is drunk all of the time this will restrict their thinking and actions. Being drunk most of the time, often results in a lot more problems for the family itself. Drinking too much alcohol will more than likely result in a hangover. Hangover’s will cause an adult to not do their job fully, or they would call out and not go to work because the hangover was so bad. Which in turn calling out of work and not showing up to work leads to them either getting fired or quitting a job. Then the parent cannot provide for his or her family, basically, neglecting their family for alcohol and prioritizing alcohol over their own flesh and blood. Alcohol can tear apart a family very easily, just by bringing out the abusive side of a parent and eventually leading to the kid or kids getting taken away or beaten to death. The sad truth is in some cases the abusive parent does not mean to hurt the child, and when they sober up they finally realize the big mistake that they have made. Alcohol affects teenagers when they start
Stress and Anger have always been related with each other. There have been countless studies, even more theories, about stress and anger and how they relate. But, no matter how many studies are conducted, there will always be the questions about whether or not stress and anger are related. But, I am here to provide the facts on both stress and anger, and then allow you, as the reader, to determine the relationship, because all-in-all, I feel that stress and anger can and cant be related, depending on the circumstance.
Many people could tell you what alcohol will do to you. Blurred vision, memory loss, slurred speech, difficulty walking, and slow reaction times are all very common side effects depending on how much one consumes (National Institute on Alcohol abuse, 2004). To most, there is nothing wrong with this. Party all night, have a good time, find somewhere to sleep, pass out, and wake up in the morning. A couple of Advil and a glass of water and you are good to go, no harm done. This is where many are wrong. These effects are not just short term, they all add up in the long- run. Some of these impairments are detectable after only one or two drinks and quickly resolve when drinking stops. On the other hand, a person who drinks heavily over a long period may have brain deficits that persist well after he or she achieves sobriety (National Institute on Alcohol abuse, 2004).
negatively affect them also. Some main immediate problems that come about from drinking alcohol include blackouts and brain damage.
Child abuse is a very serious problem that continues to happen all over the world. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, defines child abuse as a failure to act as a parent or caregiver which results in physical/emotional harm, sexual abuse, and in some cases death. There are many different types of child abuse such as emotional, physical, neglect, and sexual. With each type of abuse there are warning signs you can spot before it is too late. When a child is abused there is a huge possibility that it can cause them to have many long term effects.
The problem of alcohol use is very relevant nowadays. Today alcohol consumption characterized by vast numbers in the world. All of society is suffering from this, but primarily jeopardized the younger generation: children, teenagers, young people, and the health of future mothers. Because alcohol is particularly active effect on the body that are not formed, gradually destroying it. The harm of alcohol abuse is evident. It is proved that when alcohol is ingested inside the body, it is carried by blood to all organs and has harmful effect on them until destruction. Systematic use of alcohol develops a dangerous disease such as alcoholism. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is curable as other diseases. The big problem is that most of the alcohol products which are made in private places contain many toxic substances, defective products often leads to poisoning and even death. All this has negative impact on society and its cultural values.