Alcohol Abuse In Cold Turkey Essay

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Some people may believe quitting alcohol completely will help them with alcohol abuse; however, going cold turkey, which means to abruptly stop drinking alcohol, is very dangerous and can lead to relapse. Going cold turkey has many terrible side effects that are very dangerous and deadly. According to the article “Dangers of Cold Turkey Detox” by Dual Diagnosis, it shows that going cold turkey brings alcohol withdrawal symptoms collectively known as delirium tremens, which includes seizures, rapid heart rate, tremors, hallucinations, mood swings, mood swings, and depression. All of these symptoms are very unpleasant and make some alcohol abusers want to not go through with their plan. These more severe symptoms do not show up until five or …show more content…

One very well-known organization that performs group therapy is Alcoholics Anonymous, AA. In the article “What Is A.A.?” the AA staff says they help everyone, no matter their age, race, political views, or location, and they want to help people stay sober or help alcohol abusers become sober. However, AA has many problems in the way it helps abusers. First of all, when someone in the AA program fails, they will say, “Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program, usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates. They are not at fault; they seem to have been born that way.” Blaming the patients for being the reason they are unable to stop abusing alcohol, is unfair to the patients and does not help them achieve sobriety. AA contradicts itself by saying that they will help everyone but if someone fails they are a lost cause. Another prevalent issue with AA is how unsuccessful AA is. As presented by the article “The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous” by Gabrielle Glaser, Lance Dodes, a former Harvard Medical School professor, found that AA’s success rate is only 5 to 8 percent. This means that AA is very unsuccessful and that people should not think AA is the only way they can fix their alcohol

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