Albert Speer's Role In The Nazi Party

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Albert Speer was one of the most prominent Nazi within the regime, and possibly one of hitler's only friends. However his complex personality as a result of his traumatic childhood, a combination with a cunning intelligence and tireless work ethic saw Speers rise to becoming one of the most powerful and prominent figures in the Third Reich. Three key events that ultimately established the position of Speer in the Nazi Party include: his joining of the Nazi Party on the 1st of March 1931 and early works within the party, that led to his ride to prominence, becoming Hitler's architect on projects such as Germania and Nuremberg Party Rally and further titled as minister of armaments in 1942.

1. his joining in the Nazi Party 1931 250

In March …show more content…

After Troost’s death in 1934 Speer was titled as chief architect and was given the task for redesigning the permanent site for the nuremberg rallies. He was responsible for creating the ‘cathedral of light’ to maximise the ‘God-like’ image of hitler at the Nuremberg Rally. In 1937 he was renamed to ‘General Building Inspector’ for construction of the ‘Reich Capital’ (GBI) and placed in charge of Hitler's ‘pet’ project, the redevelopment of ‘Germania’ the new Berlin in 1937, where he was given the task of building the ‘New Reich Chancellery’ which was to survive for the ‘thousand-year Reich’. Within a year Speer had built and designed a massive complex in the neo-classical style. The building was complete on time in January 1939, and it was intended to impress and intimidate the people who would visit it, particularly the leaders of other countries, this was to show the power of Nazi party that it has possessed. Moving on, in January 1934 Hitler gave Speer his first major commission, to build the permanent reviewing stand for the Nuremberg Really. Speer, as an Inspector for the Third Reich, was solely responsible for the design of Germania and the logistics of building Hitler’s grand capital. His ability and skill to construct the new capital resulted in gaining Hitler's trust as he proved to be an ‘efficient worker’ writes Hitler. With Hitler’s architectural interests and his dream of rebuilding Berlin to show off ‘Germania’, Albert was given the task of translating Hitler’s dream into reality, and thus he was titled ‘Generalbau- Inspector’. Due to his consistent work in Germania, Speer and Hitler’s relationship grew closer, which resulted in Speer attaining more national respect and

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