Aging Out Of Foster Care Case Study

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This student conducted a pie assessment with client Paige Russell. During the initial assessment, the student looked at one particular ethical dilemma along with one particular diversity issue. The ethical dilemma that the student focused on was importance of human relationships, and the diversity issue included discrimination by age. The overall problem that the student assisted the client with was aging out of foster care.
Aging Out of Foster Care
The concept of aging out of foster care is referred to those children who are within the state foster care system and who are still in the system upon reaching the age of eighteen, twenty-one or have graduated from high school (Craft, 2014). The causes of children aging out of the foster care system is usually due to the children not finding a permanent home with an adoptive family, or the state for some reason has not reunited the child with his or her birth family before turning of age. Each state has a different regulation on what the age should be when a child ages out of the system. Many children are not ready to make the transition of being out on their own, therefore, some states have moved the age up to 21 years instead of 18 years (Craft, 2014). If the foster parents or parent chooses to keep caring for the child after he or she ages out, then the child is able to stay in their foster home until he or she is ready to make that step and move out. According to Cunningham and Diversi, many of the difficulties that foster youth face during their transition are known and read about in academic literature, but those who go through the process of aging out of foster care are largely missing from the academic literature (Cunningham & Diversi, 2013). Many children who are in the foste...

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...dependent individual, and if she decides to move out of her foster mother’s house before she finds a better paying job, then unfortunately poverty might become an issue for her.
After assessing the client, the student notice many strengths of which Paige had. The student found that Paige had a great support system that included her foster mother and boyfriend. The student also found that Paige was a very positive person. She had good coping skills, and did not let her situation bring her spirits down.
Using the Person in Environment assessment was very effective for this student. It helped the student gain a better understanding of the client, and it also helped the student know how to answer certain questions without offending the client. The student found the Person in Environment to be an appropriate tool to use when conducting an initial assessment.

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