The last person I interviewed was a retired person named Richard. Richard is 72 years old. Richard worked at General Motors for 40 years. He retired when he was 64 years old. Starting with ADL’s, Richard explains that he is able to do them all independently but not as fast as he once did. He is able to brush his teeth, bath himself, transport and use the toilet, and feed himself. He and his wife both are able to walk and transport themselves around without a problem. They recently moved from a two-story house to an apartment on a ground level. They are still able to use stairs but they feel with them getting older, it would be better to get adjusted to living without stairs. Because Richard is getting older, he seems more grateful that …show more content…
Richard receives a pension from working at GM so it is very important to him that he is managing his money well. Richards wants to make sure that he has enough money to live comfortably in retirement. They also like to travel a lot so making sure they have enough money in their budget to do just that is essential. Because Richard and his wife are traditional, Richard relies on his wife to clean the home and prepare the meals with his occasional help. Moving into an apartment, Richard doesn’t have to worry about keeping up with the yard work, which he once had to do. Moving into an apartment that is appropriate for aging is crucial at this period of time. Yard work and stairs are two things that Richard may not be able to do when he is older. Richard’s mother is alive and is living in her home with a nurse’s aid. Even though there is an aid always with her, Richard still visits frequently to help take care of her and make sure she is doing well. This is an engaging occupation for Richard. Engaged occupations are occupations that go beyond ordinary daily occupations and that evoke a depth of passion or feeling (Christiansen & Townsend, 2010). He sometimes helps to take her to the bathroom or helps her get to bed. He likes to take her for walks around the neighbor to allow her to socialize with others. Richard wants to makes sure she is still having a nice and positive …show more content…
ADL’s and iADL’s were the most similar among the participants. They were all able to complete this independently. Julie, Liz, and Richard mentioned that their ADL’s took longer than it once did and were more grateful that they were able to complete them. Julie mentioned this because of the interruptions from her child and having to care for him. Richard said that his aging prevented him to being able to move as fast as he once could. Liz also mentioned this because her disability prevented her to be able to move in a fast manner. For iADL’s, Julies differed from Richards. Julie focused on doing more of the chores around the house and shopping for her family. Richard talked a lot about managing the finances, which Julie’s husband usually takes care of. Richard mentioned that his wife took care of the shopping and tasks around the house. This shows the traditional gender roles that influence some family’s occupations. For Liz and Alex, communication was a very important iADL but for different reasons. Liz, being away at college, was unable to see her family as much so being able to talk to them frequently was essential for her. For Alex, being able to communicate with his first serious girlfriend was a priority for him. Education was another occupation that differed a lot among the participants. Alex and Liz were similar in that college was something that was a priority in their
As if being the father of two children and a dedicated husband were not enough, Victor Terhune has to balance his family life with his job. Victor currently works as a Technical representative for the sales department at Weastec in Dublin, Ohio. Though work holds him back from doing some of the things that he would like to be doing, like spending more time with his wife and sons, this is a common theme for many workers today in a relationship with their desire to be with their families. Victor strives to get resolution to this by making time by driving home right after work and focusing on that quality time with his family.
On the night of Saturday, February 1, 2014, I sat down with my grandfather, David Latta, to conduct an interview with him. He currently lives in Clarkston, Michigan, in the newly refurbished basement in my mother's house, along with my step-father, sister, and her son. One could say that my mother's household is quite the crowded nest, with four generation living under one roof. The perspective my grandfather obtains from living in such an atmosphere, is not only something I kept in mind while conducting this interview, but something that guided my questions.
Lemon, B. W., Bengtson, V. L., & Peterson, J. A. (1972). An exploration of the activity theory of aging: Activity types and life satisfaction among in-movers to a retirement community. Journal of gerontology, 27(4), 511-523.
There are changes in the demographic as the population grows older, the number of older adult’s increases and thus, there is an increase of proportion of patients that are older adults for nurses to take care of (Wells, Y., Foreman, P., Gething, L., & Petralia, W., 2004). The nurses are there to assist and support the older adults in achieving wellness within their situation through empowering the clients (Touhy, et al (2012). Caring for older adults is important as there is an increase in population with deteriorating health. When caring for a client it is important to incorporate Jean Watson’s caring theories and Carative Factors to help influence and support the care. She encourages nurses to co-participate within the caring process by establishing unity and trust between the nurse and client. First, this paper will explain a situation in where I cared for an older adult and it will then introduce Jean Watson’s lower order needs, specifically the need for activity and how it relates to the older adult I cared for. Lastly, this paper will explain the nursing interventions I implemented to meet the lower order need, with a discussion of Carative Factor #4 relating to the client.
With healthcare in the United States advancing so rapidly, there are new ways to treat just about any kind of illness every day. With being able to treat illnesses in new ways, and also the advancement of medical equipment, comes the possibility of a lot more people living up into their 90’s, and maybe even getting to reach 100. The aging population, which keeps growing every so rapidly, will be using up a lot more sources as the years go by. This means, that we need to educate more doctors and nurses, etc., and also make more living facilities for older adults. The question that comes up in my mind, is when is “old” actually”. Most people stereotypically consider ages 75 and older old, but that doesn’t mean they are actually “old”, does it?
In the early 1940’s Marie was born into a small tight knit family living in a small rural Kentucky town. Marie is now in her seventies and has led a very interesting life traveling the country, raising four children, and shaping her chosen profession. Our interview sessions were conducted over a period of time, as Marie is very active and has little “free time” to spare.
Assisted living is an effective type of care facility programmed towards helping older individuals with their increasing disabilities. “The fit between individual capacity and the availability of satisfying activities within an environment is an important aspect of positive aging and an especially salient issue for ALF [Assisted Living Faculty] management, given the role of activities in the consumer selection of assisted living”.2 This isolation of this quote is “positive aging”. Positive aging is important since it leads individuals to have a happier and more fulfilling life, and it can be supported through everyday activities and through the living environment. In nursing homes, each individual needs help with making sure that they are given care that meets their needs. This varies through different states and also communities. The purpose of the quote is to show that each person should be evaluated individually, meaning everyone needs a different approach to deal with the aging process.
When you mention gender roles in society the first thing that comes to mind usually are stereotypes, or the set labels that society has established on how everyone acts based on the different biological, social, and cultural categories they fit into. Throughout history these stereotypes that pertain to genders roles in society have been proven true. Gender roles refer to a behavioral and social norms that are widely accepted for people of a certain sex. In this report I will discussing the gender roles of the two most recognized types of gender, man and woman, from the perspective of a man and a woman who have lived 65+ years. I will also discuss how those roles have influenced society and how they have changed gradually over the years.
Mrs. Maxine represents my archetypal view of the healthy "seasoned citizen." Maxine is a Caucasian female born in rural, Mullens, West Virginia in 1926. She is the only child of a Southern Baptist, "middle class" family. Joseph Hammond, her father, was a farmer. Her mother, Ruby, was a "full-time parent" and prided herself on "running the house." Maxine explained that farmers wife's were routinely responsible for the day-to-day operations of the household. Her Southern Baptist faith was complements of her parents and minister grandfather.
Older adults are a very knowledgeable population and have had a lot of life experiences. As people age, things start to change physically, mentally, and socially. It’s important to understand the process of aging, so that older adults can be taken care of properly. I interviewed P.R. who is a 71-year-old male that lives alone in his home. P.R. is a retired coal miner, and is currently living off his social security and savings. He lives close to both his daughter and son, who frequently help him out with things that are needed. P.R. was able to give me a lot of insight about specific challenges that he has experienced in his life that is associated with aging. I will be discussing challenges that P.R experienced physically, mentally,
Attitudes are the foundation of quality of care for older adults. Among health care professionals, discrimination and stereotypical behaviors are very prevalent, even though more often than not these individuals do not realize their actions are ageist. “Ageism hinders people from seeing the potential of aging, anticipation their own aging, and being responsive to the needs of older people” (McGuire, Klein & Shu-Li, 2008, p. 12). Attitudes are directly correlated with how individuals age and whether individuals stay health and live longer (McGuire, Klein & Shu-Li, 2008, p. 12). The care that older adults receive from healthcare professionals is directly influenced by that provider’s attitude about growing older. All too often, health care providers rely on a patient’s chronological age rather than their functional age when determining their needs and what interventions are prescribed. Another issue lies in providers viewing the complaints of older patients as a part of “normal aging”, therefore potentially missing life-threatening problems that may have been easily resolved. “Age is only appropriate in health treatment as a secondary factor in making medical decisions, and it should not be used as a stand-alone factor” (Nolan, 2011, p. 334).
According to DeBrew, author of “Can being ageist harm your older adult patients?” stereotypes and discrimination are evident in various aspects of patient care. “Ageism [is] defined as stereotyping or discrimination aimed at older adults and a lack of knowledge about normal changes of aging and presentation of illness in older adults (. . .)” (DeBrew, 2015). DeBrew (2015) states, “research findings suggest that ageism is common in healthcare” (DeBrew, 2015). Ageism is not only an issue in the healthcare setting, but also among older adults as well as their families. When ageism is present in the healthcare setting it poses
T. S. Eliot's poem 'The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock'; is quite a lengthy poem for the novice poetry reader, which consists of some 130 lines. Yet, it is the poem's mass that enables the rookie to discern the theme at length. In the beginning and later towards the ending of the poem, the narrator seems to be daydreaming, using a lot of imagery to portray fun or pretty places of solitude, which makes the stanzas ambiguous. In the center of the poem the narrator describes his human feelings towards the surrounding people and objects; here is where a logical connection can be grasped. The narrator is preoccupied with the passing of time and often thinks of tranquil, imaginary places to elude his plaguing thoughts of social ostracism. The theme of this poem, suggesting from the era of time and the narrator's tone, is that age is a burden and man is deeply troubled by it. The author is stating the trouble the narrator is having dealing with middle age and the inhibition to communicate. There are several meanings in the poem that suggest this.
Aging and being old was dominated by negative characteristics and conditions such as illness, depression, and isolation for a long time (Eibach, Mock, & Courtney, 2010). At first glance the terms “success” and “aging” seem to be in conflict to each other. When asking people about aging, their answers have many facets that are also found in psychological definitions: successful aging is seen as health, maturity and personal growth, self-acceptance, happiness, generativity, coping, and acceptance of age-related limitations. In the psychological sense successful aging is also often seen as the absence of age-associated characteristics (Strawbridge, Wallhagen, & Cohen, 2002). It seems that successful aging means is not aging.
We are all victims of aging. We can witness our inevitable fates in the elderly with their wrinkled, loose skin and gray hair. You can try and mask the effects of aging, but you can never escape from it. From the moment we are born the natural process of aging begins. Its effects can be seen on our face and body as we grow from a child to an adult. Soon after our bodies have matured into young adults, the degenerative properties of aging begin to negatively impact the body. Aging goes deep beneath the superficial changes like of a balding head, wrinkled skin, or a grey head of hair. These inconspicuous changes occur inside the body affecting cells and organs such as the brain, heart, or lungs. In addition to the deterioration of health of the brain and heart; bones can become weaker and shorter and our vision and hearing impaired or even lost. There are genetic factors and environmental conditions that may contribute to the cause and effects of aging. With age, there is also an increase susceptibility to diseases, cellular damage, genetic mutations, and cancers. Although there have been many advances in medicine and technologies which have allowed us to live longer lives, aging is still an unavoidable natural process.