'Ageism Through Eudora Welty's A Worn Path'

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Ageism through Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path” Analysis Since her story was published in the early 1940s, Eudora Welty’s essay, “A Worn Path,” has generated a number of discussions. Many of them have to do with Phoenix Jackson’s tenacity, strength, determination, and age. In her article on the subject, Professor Regina Dilgen underlines the importance of Phoenix Jackson’s age, and how it affects the outcome of the story. “Age is an important component of Phoenix’s identity as she makes her journey of love for her grandson, and she is of an older generation than all the other character in the work” (Dilgen, 2014). As I read the story of Phoenix Jackson, I sympathize with her hardship. My compassion for Phoenix also helps me to understand Professor …show more content…

The reason is that many of us have (or had in my case) in our lives an elderly parent. When I tried to think of Phoenix’s face, I see no other than my grandmother’s, an eighty years old black woman, who passed away in 2009. Having lost my mother at an early age, like Phoenix to her grandson, my grandma was the only mother figure I knew. Also like Phoenix, her love and devotion toward my brothers and me were without boundaries. My personal story gives me a better comprehension of the Phoenix’s struggle and helps to sympathize with her. Instead of being cared for at her age, she is harassed and neglected. The author describes her as a very frail African-American woman whose eyes are blue with age. In my opinion, Phoenix’s age is experience endurance. As Professor Dilgen noted, “Although she will not give up, Phoenix acknowledges the very real challenge she faces as an elderly person” (Dilgen, 2014). She has lived long enough to understand the danger she faces taking this road alone; however, she counts on her wisdom to guide her throughout the way. She continues the road relying on her own perseverance, willing to sacrifice her health throughout the road. The weakness of her body, the

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