Older works may encounter a lot of stereotypes in the work place both positive and negative. Older workers are often viewed as being inflexible when it comes to technology use and unwilling to adapt. They are also commonly look at as if they have less energy and drive to work. Older workers are often viewed as having less physical prowess in the work place. Even with legislation passed about discriminated against older works in the hiring process studies still show that two workers with the same credentials, one being older and one younger, the younger candidate is more likely to get the job. Older people are still viewed as a less valuable worker even if they have all of the same experiences as someone else. Another form of ageism that workers …show more content…
may face is being treated like they are grandparents and sources for advice. Older people in the workplace can be faced with people treating them as kind and sweet like their grandparents, which can be offensive and demining. Older people can also face discrimination in receiving promotions. Younger people can often be promoted over an older person even if they are not as qualified because they are viewed as having more mobility in the workplace, and not who was truly more qualified for the job. When looking at driving and age things can get tricky.
Driving is a privilege and anyone deemed unsafe to the public should not be allowed to drive. The article presents a lot of good data showing that the older you get the harder it can become to operate an automobile. Having all drivers over a certain age take a test is by definition ageism. I don’t believe that at a certain age a good majority of the population will be unsuited for driving. Determining that age is the hard part. I believe that drivers over the age of 75 should have to be examined to see if there vision had degraded enough to be deemed unsafe for driving. I am not sure how often and how theses test should be conducted, there may still need to be more research done on the topic to determine suitable guide lines for these test and an appropriate age at which drivers should be subjugated to these test. I also believe that is a good idea to also have drivers that show signs of degraded vision (such as those in traffic accidents) of all ages be required to pass driving test to ensure that they are also safe enough to be on the road. I do believe that these policies may be considered ageist but when it comes to driving we must put safety at the forefront and those who cannot safely operate a vehicle should not be able to drive. One issue with these policies is that it would cost the state millions of dollars to research, develop and implement these
policies. For the hearing lost questions the results indicated that I hear well in most listening environments, pure tone test: you can hear a variety of soft sounds and speech results 100%. My test results were consistent with normal hearing. While I had to do this over my computer speakers I still feel as if these test give fairly reliable results. Having hearing loss would have a pretty noticeable effect on everyday life. It can be more difficult to understand and respond in conversations if you always unsure about what you hear. It could be very frustrating dealing with people if you are not able to efficiently communicate. Hearing loss could have a big impact on an elderly persons social, emotional, and cognitive function. If someone has significant hearing lose they may want to isolate themselves because they have problems communicating. This would severely impact the social and emotional state. The lack of interaction can also play a big role in their cognitive state be cause they are not constantly engaging with others and not as active as they used to be. Hearing loss is something that plays a big role in aging and should be considered often when studying the effects of aging.
The driving age should not be raised to 18 years old because teenagers have responsibilities to be go to certain places, if teenagers learn to drive early on in life they will be more comfortable driving and cautious when they get older, and an opposing view point is that teenager’s reflexes are not fully developed or equipped to safely handle an accident. II. Teenagers have responsibilities to be go to certain places. A. Teenagers normally have responsibilities to go to places like sport practices, band meetings or even school meetings. B. Teenagers should be able to drive themselves so they do not miss their activity because they have no one to take them.
For an example “The common theme is a fear or a reluctance to hire people under 30, because they are unpredictable, and, ‘they don’t know how to work,’” says Cam Marston (Wooldridge). In the same way this goes along with older people seemly more intelligent, Reliable instead of collage kids which briefly explains why it’s hard to find a job in that sense. Additionally labeling helps discriminate millennia’s especially if from older employees example “Wilkie notes that it’s common for older workers to see younger workers as a threat, and take the easy way out by labeling them as somehow different” (Wooldridge). Hence the reason the older won’t like the younger because of the fear being replaced so they start shaming millennia’s. This is important because ageism is seriously a huge common stereotype in a sense people might judge you on because they feel
Sullivan K. E. (2008). Ageism and the contact hypothesis: The effects of work-related and non-work-related contact on age-related stereotypes (Masters thesis). The University of Texas at Arlington, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 20081460808.
Elderly folks are eminently mature and have the finest instinct about what is right and wrong though It’s challenging to change someone’s point of view in a matter like this. When such injustice takes place, it de-motivates senior workers from their work. In an article over Ageists by Vincent J Roscigno, he states facts about different views on older Americans in general and in workplaces such as, “most of the population consists of biases and preconceptions, and the accused are unashamed in their views of older Americans. Those who believe that younger employees have much more value than senior employees are inserting a strong assumption based on their age. “Ageist attitudes and discrimination is what results in lower levels of overall organizational commitment to older workers, and a “push” out of a particular workplace.” Just because of an older employee’s depiction, such unfairness circulates in workplaces which cause false impressions of older
Driving is something people do everyday. Although many people do it well, some do not, that being said the legal age to drive should be raised to twenty one years of age. The driving age should be raised because teens at the ages of fourteen through twenty should not be behind the wheel for the simple fact that they are just too young and too inexperienced to drive, also someone of that age can get more distracted than a person who is twenty-one or older and has had some time to mature and become responsible enough to operate a motor vehicle. “In the United States, 16–19-year-olds have the highest incidence of motor vehicle deaths among licensed drivers and motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15–20-year-olds.” (Haggerty
Stereotypes affect the day to day living of the elderly, whether it is through job attainment and sustainability, access and use of healthcare, and overall personal autonomy. Due to the current aging population the government of Canada has eliminated the mandatory retirement age and is looking to raise the retirement age (Minichiello, Browne, & Kendig, 2000), from 65 to at least 70, to ensure financial stability for all in the long term (Novac et al., 2014). From the elimination of a mandatory retirement age the older workers have been subject to experience discrimination and stereotypes due to the ability to work for longer periods. Currently for every five working age people (15yrs-64yrs) there is one aged worker (65+yrs) and it is predicted that by 2050 one in less than three (estimated 2.5) will be an aged worker (Government of Canada, 2012). Positive stereotypes include a great knowledge base and the ability to perform certain tasks through experience (Greenlees, Webb, Hall, & Manley, 2007). Negative stereotypes include being frail and in poor physical shape to perform laborious tasks leading to a lack of produ...
In recent years, the legal driving age has become a topic of heated debate. There are many supporters that advocate for raising the legal driving age to eighteen or twenty-one. However, raising the driving age would cause some major problems. Sixteen should remain the legal driving age in most states and areas because the economic burden would be extremely large and the problems related to young drivers would not be adequately solved by simply rising the legal driving age. This essay will outline the reasons why the legal driving age should not be raised and what some of the better choices are instead.
This paper examines discriminatory behavior against older persons in the workplace. A comprehensive analysis of the problem of ageism is explored from a range of various theories in an attempt to prove and understand the causal link between ageism and negative attitudes. Understanding how and why negative attitudes are developed and perpetuated leads us to make conclusions for change.
Davis, Robert. “Is 16 too Young to Drive? Growing Numbers Think So.” USA Today. 1 Mar.
Although it is a controversial topic, many individuals believe that the driving skills of senior citizens have declined and need to be addressed. According to The Telegraph, “more than a quarter (respondents) admitted to feeling unsafe when driven by someone over the age of 65” (The Telegraph). This topic dominates many family discussions, news stories, and headlines due to the risk that these driving skills have on others on the road. The Secretary of State Office in Michigan “receives 400 driver re-examination requests every month for drivers suspected to be unsafe, and the largest number, behind law enforcement, comes from family members” (USA Today). Although it is a hard discussion to introduce, families have a responsibility to address their concerns with their loved ones. Acknowledged as a popular and controversial topic, addressing the problem will ultimately prevent accidents and save
...ere created in the 1920s. Finally, compare this law to the others we as Americans abide by everyday. All three of these points lead me to believe that we should raise the driving age to 18 to decrease the accident rate and to save lives.
Have you ever counted down the days until your sixteenth birthday? Could you imagine having to wait until you were seventeen or even eighteen? That seems brutal. Well, that could potentially happen because of the controversy over the minimum teen driving age being raised. The minimum driving age should not be raised because it allows drivers to be more experienced, there are more restrictions, and it enables independence.
There are 205.7 million licensed drivers in the U.S.; of those drivers 13.2 million are young drivers between the ages 15 and 20. The minimum driving age should not be raised. When states raise the age for graduated driver restrictions they only delay car crashes and fatalities, many teens are making simple mistakes while driving or not getting enough sleep causing crashes, and lastly, driver fatalities have decreased from 1998 to 2008: these reasons all support why the driving age should not be raised. Deadly accidents among 16-year-olds have been reduced with the use of tougher licensing laws while unfortunately increasing fatal crashes among 18- year-olds.
Many teens are interested in being able to drive at a younger age, but it is still unclear if they are able to handle it. If the legal driving age is lowered, are we endangering the lives of teen drivers, as well as the passengers with them? I believe most people want to drive as soon as they can. However, recently the government has been trying to pass laws that may change the current driving age of 16. There are positive and negative aspects to changing the laws that allow the driving age to stay at 16.There have been new bills being proposed that mite be passed. “The Minister for Urban Services has introduced a Bill (proposed law) into the Assembly. He wants to amend the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 2000. The new Bill is called the Driving Age Amendment Bill. This Bill is intended to raise the age at which people can apply for a learner’s permit and driver’s license.” (Legislative Assembly). This bill will raise the driving age if it is passed but the aspects of what will happen should be considered before we change it. There are many different reasons why we should keep it at 16. First off it’s a good working system that we have followed for a long time. Another good reason that helps this concept is that the teenagers are still in school so it’s easier for them to take drivers training. If there are more drivers that ultimately mean that more people will be paying for insurance. There are also the reasons why we should change it from 16. Like for instances most 16 year olds aren’t responsible enough to drive. “The facts show that younger drivers (those between ages 16 and 25) receive more citations, are more likely to have their driving privilege suspended, and are responsible for more accidents than drivers in any other age group.” (Dr. Steven Evans). Another reason is that it’s a high cost own a car when they are making so little money.
Most teens look forward to getting their license when they turn 16. However, some would argue that the driving age should be raised. Statistics have demonstrated time and time again that this is very unreasonable and impractical. A raise in the driving age will in result negative repercussions such as the growth of crash rates, the issue of adults being just as much of a danger as teens on the road being raised, and the notion that some drivers will drive with or without a license.