Age-Related Changes In Episodic Memory Essay

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Addis, D., Wong, A., & Schacter, D. (2008). Age-Related Changes in the Episodic Simulation of Future Events. Psychological Science, 19(1), 33-41.
This study tested whether or not the common deficit of the elderly’s ability to use episodic memory to recall past events extends to their ability to use episodic memory to predict future events. Both instances of recalling and predicting use a common neural pathway. The experimenters tested sixteen younger adults with a mean age of 25 and sixteen older adults with a mean age of 72. Each individual was given a noun and told to recall a memory or imagine an event relating to that noun. They were also told to tell the story from a particular perspective—vantage point or field perspective. After 3 minutes, the individuals had to stop and were rated on the detail, emotion, and personal significance of their account. Each individual went through 8 trials. The study found there was a correlation …show more content…

Twenty-seven younger adults with a mean age of 21 and twenty-seven older adults with a mean age of 65 were given a list of 45 words. Then the group was given a new list of 50 word fragments. Twenty of the fragments matched words in the first list, but also had similar structure to other words presented in the list. The rest of the fragments were completely new words. The elderly were quicker to complete the new-word fragments which may indicate older adults are less likely to use controlled retrieval than young adults. The interfering words of similar structure did inhibit the older any more than with the younger. Overall, the study showed if the younger adults came to a word they could not recall with automatic retrieval, they were more likely to use controlled retrieval than the older adults. This may indicate the lack of ability of the older brain to choose what information to and not to

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