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Impacts of technological advancement on education
Pros and cons online education
Online vs traditional learning
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Advantages of Online Education
Is online education a valuable innovation that improves opportunities for students or is it a poor substitute for traditional, classroom-based teaching? It has long been recognized that students and educators need to use a variety of tools in order to keep up with the skills that are needed in the contemporary world. Online education is becoming popular, but some people raise questions about its effectiveness in comparison to traditional learning. While teachers will always be involved in the education process, there is room also to consider new ways in which teachers, students and technology can work together. Technology is here to stay, and everyone in an industrialized society needs to learn how to make the best use of it. This paper argues that online classes have numerous advantages over traditional classroom learning such as the following: the internet offers faster feedback, more flexibility, convenience, and the opportunity to learn at one’s own pace.
Online learning can be defined as “a form of distributive learning enabled by the Internet” (Volery and Lord 217). The term “distributive learning” in turn implies two essential ingredients: “first, a heavy reliance on technology, and second, self-learning” (Volery and Lord 217). It is important to remember that both sides of this equation are equally important: the technology must be available to provide the learning opportunities while the student also must be actively engaged and able to adopt a high level of self-management and motivation in order to engage in self-learning (Volery and Lord 218).
A strong advantage of the internet over other delivery messages is that it is extremely fast. A student can access almost limitless amounts of...
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...st. The advantages of online education are so persuasive that people will not be able to resist them. Students will become more highly skilled and less dependent, and teachers will be freed up to concentrate on goal setting and encouragement rather than repetitive information handover. Online education can only be a good thing for everyone involved in the learning process.
Works Cited
Snart, Jason A. Hybrid Learning: The Perils and Promise of Blending Online and Face-to-
Face Instruction in Higher Education. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010. Print.
Volery, Thierry and Lord D. “Critical Success Factors in Online Education” International Journal of Education Management. N.p.: n.p., 2000. 217-18. Web. 1 July 2011. <. >.
In his article, “Can You Be Education from a Distance?”, James Barszcz effectively weighs the pros and cons of online education compared to the traditional method, while effectively supporting his position with factual information and statistics. While distance education proves to be convenient for students, Barszcz asserts that it eliminates valuable experiences necessary in order to get the most out of the material being learned.
Caruso, C. (2008). Bringing Online Learning to Life. Educational Leadership, 65(8) 70. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
The Internet helps us to find the current news and information just in a few seconds. Because of the Internet, the educational institution created a new method to learn: via the web. Online education is a little bit different from the traditional education because students and teachers do not meet face-to-face which makes the teachers’ teaching method is mostly by using video. Although online learning is different, students still gain knowledge from it. With the knowledge they learned, they are up-to-date to the current information around the world (Tucker, 2014). The knowledge they have can also help students to finish their formal education and earn a degree after completing their online
Volery, T. & Lord D. (2003). Critical success factors in online education. International Journal of Educational Management. Vol 14 (5) 216-223.
There are many advantages to online learning, it affects the way people can learn. According to “Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students”, “students have a greater willingness to write or work on computational skills”. “They say student like the immediate results of having online learning.” Another advantage is that students can learn at their own pace. With learning at their own pace they will be able to actually know the information well. If, they are in a regular classroom setting they may no...
School has been in our lives for the longest time and it has always been a positive experience. It sets students on a path to achieve their education goal and stepping stones to a career! Now with all the advancements in life, students have the opportunity to do online classes. This is useful if the pupil is not able to attend school or their school does not offer some classes that they would like to take. Experiencing both of these ways of schooling, I have an understanding of the differences between the two. The major differences between online school and traditional school are the flexibility opportunities, the communication with the teachers, and the time management/discipline from the learner.
...nditions. Students taking online classes might find it easier to attend family gatherings, traveling, and attended to personal needs. An online class allows the students to work on their own time, to whereas the traditional classes they have to stick with a schedule.
Yes, an online education has its pros but a traditional education will always be better for students. Student’s get better grades, and can learn more and achieve more while in a classroom education, rather than an online education. In a classroom environment it is much easier to ask and have questions answered, because the professor is right there and in an online education that would be hard because sometimes the student’s don 't even know their own instructors. So, the opposing side believes that a online education would be easier for students, but universities should remain with a traditional learning
The revolutionary changes in the nature of higher education from face-to-face courses to online and hybrid courses using technology devices. (Starr Roxanne Hiltz et al., 2005)
In the undergraduate educational setting, student proficiency and comfort with technology are stressed, but the essential mission of most undergraduate institutions (especially, liberal arts institutions such as Dartmouth) is on the development of the individual. The nurturing and supportive environment of most undergraduate institutions helps students mature and develop. The rave and fad of online undergraduate learning causes students to miss out on too many intangibles of an on-campus education. Our current theory on education hasn’t adequately dealt with the intricacies of a web-based education, and therefore the effectiveness of such is highly questionable.
Online education is a booming trend in the education world. It is something different than the traditional classroom. It is allowing student around the world the opportunity to get an education. Online education allows student to have a more proficient and cheaper way of learning. Having multiple ways to give a student an education allows all learning types to find their own way of learning. Education changes lives but it can be difficult for students to get to a classroom to sit through an hour class 4 times a week, this can be for many different reasons. There are many doubts about online education, but this a new world without borders it is a new opportunity for people from all over the world to get an education.
As the economy has changed in the last ten years so has the schools budgets and they are looking for ways to keep costs down. There is much evidence that distance education can be more cost effective than traditional education. Everyone can save a substantial amount of money by going with an online education because schools would not need facilities and equipment. Schools would also save money by not needing to provide services and programs to students. Students would save by not needing to drive to and from school, buy school supplies, and they can earn a degree in half the time than a traditional school setting.
On-Line Learning originated in the 1800’s for academic possibilities to possibly reach people. When online learning was established it was in the form of conformity courses. With the use of television and radio, distance learning grew from 1920 to 1970. The future is currently unfenced for online education now that technology is less expensive and more cordial than it was some 10 years ago. There are many reason people take online courses. The demand for a job with good benefits is scarce in today’s society. Many organizations do not allow their employees to be excused from work to attend school. It is something the employee must do on his or her own time. It is almost impossible for you to get hired on a job without a degree of some form. Some may have a difficult time being away from their families; therefore online learning would be a great asset for those who would rather spend time with family.
Furthermore, some may suggest that online learning is benefiting our students in society. There has been a breakthrough in time and geographical limitations of education via online courses (Ho, 2009). Online education is cost-effective, efficient, and easily accessible (Schmeeckle, 2003). Online classes are used for individual and independent learning in which the student can learn at their own pace (Gonzalez, 2009). Not only is online education beneficial for breaking down barriers, online education has the potential to help students learn material more efficiently. Students are more likely to seek help from their instructors when the material is taught online (Whipp & Lorentz, 2009). Computer use in statistical classes could help decrease math anxiety (Gundy, Morton, Liu, & Kline, 2006). In a study that measured online students’ ability to achieve the same efficiency of course material as face-to-face students, at least 98% of students reported that they had, so one may be lead to believe that online learning is just as efficient as face-to-face courses (Liebowitz, 2003). With all of the positive aspects of online education, one may wonder why there is any debate as to whether or not online education is beneficial for
Those who disagree with me think that online learning allows a student to learn at their own pace. Students are able to take the time to understand and figure out problems with the resources that are provided. The convenience of learning in an environment that is conducive to that particular students learning is provided by the student. If the student feels comfortable they are more apt