Advantages and disadvantages of Dental X-Rays

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The X-ray was first invented by William Conrad Rontgen in 1895. He invented the x-ray by accident. He discovered an image from his cathode generator not knowing that it was an x-ray. Future investigation showed the rays were generated when the cathode ray beam on the inside of the vacuum tube, known as a radiograph. Lungs look black on an radiograph because the deal with air and air absorbs the least x-rays.
One week after the discovery of the x-ray, William took an x-ray of his wife’shand that revealed her wedding ring and her bones. The radiograph electrified the public and caused scientific interest in the new way of radiation.
William Coolidge invented the x-ray tube. Back then it was known as the Coolidge tube. His invention sparked the generation of x-rays also the model if which all x-rays tubes for medical had been based on. It took 25mins to get the photo on William’s wife hand.
One of the radiology departments in the world was Glasgow royal infirmary. This department was founded in 1896. The head of the department was john Macintyre. He produced many outstanding x-rays. The first x-ray was of a kidney stone. Even one with a child with a penny stuck in its throat. And last but not least one of a frog legs in motion. Dr. Hall was one of the first doctors to make a diagnostic x-ray which was a needle stuck in a women’s hand. It has been known that frequent exposure to x-rays can be harmful, and as of today they are ways to protect the patient and the dr. from extreme amounts of radiation exposure.

Rontgen discovery was labeled as a medical miracle and xrays to become a very important part of a diagnostic tool in medicine. The xray would aloe doctors to see inside the human body for the first time without having to...

... middle of paper ... dental X-rays is negligible. You receive more radiation by just being in the sun, than you do by going to your dentist. The benefits of dental X-rays are huge. In most cases we cannot see dental issues without them. With X-rays, we can catch that cavity well before you feel it. Without an X-ray, it could linger without any pain until the tooth becomes infected. Then you would generally have to get a root canal, or you would have to get the tooth pulled. So Xrays are very much worth getting.

Works Cited advantages of dental radiography. (n.d.). Retrieved from advantages of dental radiography: bellis, m. (n.d.). Retrieved from htt[:/
Connelly, t. p. (n.d.). huffingtonpost. Retrieved from huffingtonpost:

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