Advantages and Disadvantages of Noncustodial Sentences

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Noncustodial Sentences

Non-Custodial Sentences

A non custodial order is a sentence given to an offender who has

committed a less serious crime. The offender is given community

orders rather than imprisonment. If the offender breaks any of the

below orders then they will be re-sentenced and this is likely to

result in them being given a heavier order or even a prison sentence.

The types of non custodial orders available are;

* Community rehabilitation order (previously called 'probation

order' and unhelpfully changed to this inferior new name)

* Community punishment order (previously called 'community service

order' - ambiguous but at least not absurd)

* Community Punishment and Rehabilitation Order (previously the

obtuse but at least not farcical 'combination order')

* Curfew order

* Attendance centre order

* Supervision order

Community Rehabilitation Order

This order involves being supervised by a probation officer. This can

be experienced as penalising offenders in many ways including;

· Having to face up to the crimes they have committed and the changes

in which they need to make in their behaviour.

· The time the order takes.

However, the court may include additional requirements to the order

which could make it even harder for the offender. Additions to the

order could include living in a probation hostel or going through a

programme relating to their problem/crime they have committed e.g. a

course for men who abuse women.

The community rehabilitation order lasts between six months and three


... middle of paper ... the most success. For a full description of the

detector dogs (see appendix 2).

I think that the use of detector dogs in airports and ports have been

a very successful ways of preventing illegal substances being brought

into the UK. Unlike us a detector dog is able to detect someone who

maybe carrying an illegal substance and will be able to bring it to

the attention of the people working with the dog. Figures show that

detector dogs have been priceless asset to HM Customs and Excise and

unlike modern technology they are not at a stupidly high price.



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